Version 0.1
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Simple sand dunes map. Jump around and have fun.
- The map is 20kmx15km. One terrain at 4097 resolution.
- Vehicle
Beta V 0.1 (6:20 PM EST 11/12/16)
*Keep an eye out for updates here*
Please release this again, or someone who has it downloaded
@Welliedowner Yeah, I miss these mods. Though a lot of the older mods are bugged and have texture issues with the newer versions of the game.
@ThatSUSpensionGirl why is this happening to so many mods???? ITS MAKIN ME MAD BOIS
google drive asking for access
I found out, it was the vehicle so yeah, xd, helped to make and off-road vehicle so thx @Strucker
When I clicked "download" on my android it said "open with chrome or drive" and I did not go further than that
Just wow
@ian8811946 I'm on Android so I downloaded it to Dropbox than opened it an it said permnint failure
Pluk, is that you?
@ian8811946 perfect to try my new ute
Its in the notes....
what is the car in you are using
@LiamW nope
Is the transparent blue block meant to do anything?
@BirdOfSteel Most of my maps (FR series) are 2-4 KM square. So that is 2000-4000 in the unity terrain settings. Here (photobucket) are the settings I used for FR-3.
Also you need to be running Unity version 5.3.6f1 for objects to show up. If not (at least with V 5.4) they will have collisions but will be invisible.
Jumps will be trial and error on spacing and size. But once you get the scale right it will be pretty easy to see in the editor.
I sugest using a 2048 or 4097 resolution for the heightmap. Higher the res, the more detail you get.
@ian8811946 how big should i make it? How can i see that the hill is not to big? how do you make jumps and test them?
Like what? How far along are you in the process?
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @JakeTheDogg
Can you give me some tips for map making?
@DesertEagle3450 background
Hey! You should make this a BG! So far there's no sand BG ^_^ Cant wait to play this!
Awesome, perfect for car and tank battles
lol, 4k resolution