Version 2.1
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Dogfight Test.
Mission 1:
Destroy the bomber/heavy fighter, but beware the escort!
Upvote if you appreciate, and more importantly provide feedback for more missions! (The terrain will improve, keep an eye out for my terrain test...)
@OrangeBoardEnterprise android
how do you find the missions
@MisterT how about this?
Android version would come soon maybe.
@Cadin sorry to ask( because I was waiting for you to do an update about mobile) but can you make a mobile version of the mod if possible?
@Cadin Would and Android version be possible?
actually. mods aren’t allowed on IoSc@RocketBoss13
@AmiYouri2007 no, not really.
@MrDoolittle i know but almost everyone has an PC or Mac
@AmiYouri2007 do you know how much pc's cost?
@RocketBoss13 iphone doesn't support mods
Pls make iPhone friendly version
Time to test my B-17 Skills to the full potential :D!
@Jeedaz just buy the PC or Mac version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
Please make an android version
@Agung44 NP!
@Cadin thanks!
@Agung44 I know the Lightning is @BogdanX 's
give the link to these aircrafts!
Thanks! I've been quite busy myself, hopefully the freighter convoy shall be soon!
I have finished the first freighter, i were very slow due to exams.
Theres some kind of flickering light @ 200 degrees, did u add that on purpose?
@blackvultureaeroespace Sill sork? Okay, that will work! :D