Version 2.7
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Hey Gang, this is a new test at map rendering!
I threw in an enemy base, aircraft and a 10 vehicle convoy just to spice it up a bit; but my major focus was the texturing and the terrain design.
As always, upvote if you appreciate, and let me know what you would like see next!
You can thank @BogdanX for his FB-5! Simply Elegant Engineering!
Mobile players if mobile modding download still existed
Their phone:🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
ngl probably the best 5 minutes of my life while installing and testing this.
Mobile is trash when handling graphics lol
Cool and good.
This mod revealed a problem of SimplePlanes. I'm using a RTX 2080, and I'm down to 32FPS in this map. But SP is only using 20% of the GPU. why doesn't it use more processing power to achieve 60 fps?
@Nuteboy100 Is this an insult?
Hay where a link to the plain in the picture
@Shiznit776 as a fellow Android player, I want this mod onto the Android port too...but heres a problem: Its a port, a bad port. That and most android phones/tablets cannot handle 4K rendering/graphics.
Please make available for Android if possible, Thanks
@Cadin android@Cadin
@Cadin android@Cadin
Is this like a Korean war map ? If not you should make a Korean war map
@ReischetzFokke Thank you!
@TurklerRS :D
W o w I a m g e t t i n g so much f p s !
@ComplicatedPlanes No worries, I was really just being a 'lil nerdly and goofy!
It's funny though, I just advocated in another post for giving upvotes to folks with less than 50 or so pts based on effort for their point level; and not just upvoting the epic builds with my federation credits. Enjoy Building! :D
@Cadin OK thanks for telling me!
@ComplicatedPlanes If one wished to split hairs, one could conjecture that "Upvote if you appreciate" is redundant; for doesn't one upvote through appreciation?
Also, (splitting hairs still), one could also conjecture that this was in fact not an asking, or even a question.
Technically, I suppose, it would be a command (with "you" implied.) E.g. (You) Upvote if you appreciate.
Viewed an entirely different way, it could read; Upvote if you appreciate (in your own way.) ((Not just because we are SP friends)). Though, admittedly I didn't think of that implication until further analyzing this grammatical anomaly at thine insistence.
Thus, in conclusion, this is neither, a) a question, or b) for anyone to do anything that they would not do naturally and genuinely!
Thank you for the grammatical exercise!
You know, asking for upvotes is against the rules.
I do have a couple of 32 gb ssd's kicking about that I used in a pair of IBM x41's. The w520 has an ultrabay that swaps with the cd drive, would this also be a possibility? I already have a caddy, and would save the cost of an external enclosure... Thanks for the input!
(It's very similar to this:
@SSGTWolf I'm not saying get a new computer, I'm saying you can upgrade your existing one quite cheaply compared to the cost of a new computer, doing this will give you much better performance.
@Cadin Does your computer have more then one drive bay? If it does I would recommend getting a 128 gb SSD and putting it in the second bay, with this you could move all your boot files onto it and games that need the extra disk speed, then you could keep files you don't access as much on the HDD. If you don't have another drive bay, many computers don't, you could remove the disk drive to put an SSD in there, but that would require some tinkering and may not be for the feint of heart. I wouldn't recommend trying to run from an SD or USB stick because of the bottleneck that the port would cause. You could try getting a low storage SSD to run from the external SATA port, I believe that would be your best option, you would have to move all SimplePlanes game files to it which may be a hassle if they are hard to locate. I would try running a program from an external drive before you buy the other SATA drive though to make sure it works. Also if your game is from steam this shouldn't have any issues, most steam games are optimized for things like this.
@SSGTWolf I hear that! I use a separate unit for music/midi/studio, an old lenovo t61. The videocard died because of well documented factory problems, and I removed the integrated main board (laptop) and baked it in the oven with aluminum foil on it! (to reflux the video card) This worked for about 6 months; then the same fault happened again. Frustrated, I bought another board on ebay, that was a crazy deal (like $25 kinda deal). I went to put the board in and alas, it was for a widescreen, and I only have a normal!
Well, when I looked there was no reason that it wouldn't fit with a little help...
So... I broke out the angle grinder (No dremels here!) to cut and modify the magnesium chassis...
Everything works beautifully now! (Apart from the fact that my harddrive sticks out 2.5 cm!!) :D
(Of course that PC won't run, SP, but it works excellent as dedicated studio rig!)
RIght on, right now I am running 16 gb on an i7 (lenovo w520), I have an integrated card to handle common tasks, and an nvidia quadro card set to handle rendering/games. The windows performance program also lists my hard-drive as the bottle neck, so that advice is spot on.
I also have a 128 gb flash card installed, is there anyway to speed performance by running the program from the flash card; or would the bus to the card be the new bottleneck? I also have eSATA; could I just run an external unit?
Thank you in advance!