Zagreb Airport Terminal Designer
30.8k Cadin
7.8 years ago
Version 2.7
No Tags
DISCLAIMER! - Not Zagreb Airport Terminal.
British Airways Terminal: Please make a note of it! :)
I wish we could download mods on iOS
Is it on android?
Ej dobro je to
@StefanM Hvala vam!
Pa nije u Zgrebu aerodrom tako velik ali dobro odrađen mod :)
So nice !
@REW your 747
Why Zagreb? Belgrade is better :)
Hey that's pretty good
@jamesPLANESii @AudioDud3 @Tully2001 If you used the realistic skybox on any of the other background mods with a large area, Then you'd know that it would cut it off, Having a Large Skybox would make more sense, Otherwise it's just useless, and i have utilised the realistic skybox's on other BG Mods. Doesn't work well.
Is there a version without the planes? the 380 and the 47 are distracting to me
Yeah. @Cadin
@jamesPLANESii To make a skybox look appropriate, it may be you would see much less of the airport.
@jamesPLANESii @AudioDud3 @Tully2001 Honestly the best of both worlds too, so we can load differing skyboxes for night missions, or inclement weather; and it will end up being more customized as a result!
"She didn't do a number on him, she did a matrix." -Elephant Revival Song
@jamesPLANESii @AudioDud3 @Tully2001 Great Solution! Then it's mix and match! Now Tully can launch past 100k with custom skyboxes! :D
Oh yeah! Good idea! @AudioDud3
Yeah. I think you should use skyboxes. These look kinda half done when they don't have one...
@Tully2001 @AudioDud3 Roger that!
@MaximusTheMinimus Thank you! :D
@PorkyClown3 Thank you very much!
@saturn28 Thank you! :)
@BaconEggs Thanks! I'm glad you can put it to good use!
@Testin123 :)
Looks great!