Version 2.7
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Whelp, here it is!
In it's majorly unfinished and glitchy glory; but hey, lots of stuff about it works great, so you may as well get to enjoy it! (I know I have!)
Current Starting Locations:
-Hangar Zero (3 Runway Base (any votes for a name?)
-Rough Downhill runway (kinda based of a request of BogdanX's for a bandit editor, but I also wanted to make a new rough landing similar to Bandit.)
-Heli Deck of Ashleigh-Burke
Enjoy, and let me know suggestions! If you have 3D blender models you would like to see included, send me a link, and I'll include you as a contributor!
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes fr bro
Why do I get an Access Denied message when I click on the google drive download link?
Also yes I discovered this old mod
where can I get the XP-55?
Android! Please!
where do you find the default hangars, runways, ect.?
Do you think you could make a dirt racetrack?
nice xp55
Rally cool maps like always but im still waiting for the Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge map.....
Cool map!
Andriod? :3 XD
@Smoker Trrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuueeeeeee!
@jamesPLANESii The initial speed is zero, and the hill is a little steep! I planned to put another bit on the flat part and slope the hill more evenly. The idea is also trying to land things like bombers and such at the flat bit, but having a scramble hangar up higher. I'll throw in an even more primitive runway nearby. Thanks for the input!
Oh yes and the speed it starts going town hill is a little violent as well.
With the rough landing airstrip, it'd be more realistic if the flat section of it was about 1/10 of the size because you can land almost any plane on that bit at the moment. It'd be great if you could only take off with STOL planes on it and make it so you have to use the hill...
@Smoker Bummer, but 1000 air bases would be awesome... Land 'em all!
@Type2volkswagen Yaaay!
@Smoker Not bad, does that imply that there are 998 other airbases? :D
@Cadin all good..
@Type2volkswagen Right on, Thanks.
@Cadin i haven't reloaded the mod yet. Now that I have the ability to recover the account, I'll let you know when I get home from work.
@Type2volkswagen Cool! So the level works fine now? Thanks for the input!
@Cadin Game wouldn't launch (Corrupt File) so I copied my builds, renamed the Jundroo folder, and relaunched game. GTG. (BTW, I deleted old post):)
@Type2volkswagen The mod crashed your game? This isn't one of my larger maps, what are the specs of your compy? You can always delete the file in the "Mods" folder, or disable through the menu in-game; either works. What are the mb of your downloaded file?
@Fallenfreedomfighters What's wrong with it?