Version 1.0
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(yes it is tilted inwards)
Just a quick 10-minute mod that I created for my own testing purposes - I wanted to see if the circular runway concept also works in SP, and surprisingly enough, it really doesn't, but here it is anyway!
It includes 2 locations; Takeoff and Final Approach.
Enjoy and happy flying!
could you made an airport mod with 2 runway wich is runway 31/13,and runway 04/22 the name of the airport is laguardia and please make it on mobile
Can you make this mobile pleaee
kill me
@nuclearvodka me to
Make it Android
IKR @nuclearvodka
@LegendaryPlanes352 me too
Aw man is only PC and Mac I’m on Android and iOS
@Wahoo12 yeah, however as you are landing the winds slowly shifts so you are in a constant changing crosswind
@AnOlympicWalnut its supposed to make it so you can always land with the wind in the ideal direction
Literally every pilot ever: internally screaming
Would make a nice race track
I wish this was available for mobile. I could have some fun with this.
@Ryn176 yes i did
I want this 4 android
@Ryn176 oh yeah xx
XD @Ryn176
lol, did anyone noticed the plane in the picture is saying "kill me"
I try it on fsx is difficult for land
@DerekSP I do not have YouTube
@Catman2018 CLICK HERE
How do you make a mod ?
@SuborbitalTrajectory it IS tilted
In my experience, this is similar to landing on crosswinds. But instead of wind curving you, the runway is already curved... cool concept though