Version BETAAA
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Use the arrowkeys to slow down or speed up time, is a little buggy atm.
use the Debug console, ` to see the Timelevel.
add a field to enter values for even more precise input.
Android Support
@BiSaya Yes.I'm very sad.
See if Gestor can help with android
how i can see the level of time on the console? could you explain me step by step? @JMicah4
I like this kind of mod. Works like timewarp in KSP. This is the kind of thing I always wanted to make long boring stuff take little time but without horribly modifying planes.
you know, maybe you should add a box menu on android, like the groups box or pause menu maybe
@jamesPLANESii hmm
Ok. Well... I have no idea why I wasn't following you. I'm sure I was before...
@JMicah4 plz make an android
@squideater56 but if you made this for Android then it would be possible with slow motion like besiege
@fattyfattypants yea but i dont cause im smart enough not to create or download anything my phone cant handle
@squideater56 me too but if your using a large laggy creation then this would be good
@legendary666 kk
Tell me when the android version comes@JMicah4
@JMicah4 mhmm and like i said if you were to do that with a vehicle that doesnt handle well then its ganna b harder to control, tho slo mo aint bad idea, tho i cant download this cause im a mobile user
@squideater56 hmmthis is a modification to the game that allows me to change the timescale of unity which means you can do the slow motion effect of you can do the opposite of slow mo.
@JMicah4 and you cant effect the vehicle cause if you vehicle is not very dependable of control the speeding it up will make it worse
@JMicah4 Boi there no actual time in the game, the only things that can be effected is you and the sky, sp already has the sky down, allowing you to speed up how fast day and nights go
@squideater56 this changes how fast game time moves, not the daytime
Um not to put you down but isnt there already a time changer in the settings under settings-game settings ? I mean it doesnt manipulate your speed of movement but time does go faster when you shorten the time it takes to do a cycle and you can change what time of day it is
@kenny2005 kk
@JMicah4 Hey, Please Notify Me When The Android Version Comes Out.
@mikoyanster :D Thanks, It's not that difficult once you know how to edit Time.Timescale.
Incredible! very difficult to write this code! Works very well!
@mikoyanster quality comment