Version alpha
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I lost ALL project files of this mod in a SSD glitch, I'm finding a way out :(..
What this do
Use Tab and mouse(wheel) to show the turrets where to hit, and they just point to it. Then you can fire actual shells to deliver some firepower.
Simple demo ship
Prinz Eugen with this system
You can customize turrets, and control them without any in-game inputs like VTOL or Pitch.
Custom gun shells, firing and explosion effects.
3D sound simulation.
Each turret controls by a Elevation rotator AND a Azimuth rotator, they are supposed to be placed perpendicularly.
Installing one or more Naval Gun part on one turret is possible.
There can be multiple turrets on ship, each one has a UNIQUE ID, like A, B or C. So it is very important to make sure the two rotators and naval guns on one turret has the same unique ID.
Invert option. This is a temporary solution for turrets that faces different directions. It is supposed to be removed in later versions.
Still not working for turrets which are on broadside, turrets must face forward or backward to work properly.
I'm sorry that I'm not going to make touchscreen support in the coming period of time
@Weirdedude124 hahaha yeah but my mobile always works like ppts when I play simple planes because of my huge bomber and 176 bombs ...emm... I'm used to it (haha)
@shoot4942 if you want android... BOOM! your phone exploded
Nazism is not a joke
I wonder if the upcoming update will break my favorite mod
Same, 2012. And my game deleted itself, and I'm too lazy to buy it back again. @Jim1the1Squid
@shipster I feel you fam.
Kindle Fire
What about u?
how controls
@CarnationRED cool, sucks that I'm android :(
@shipster yes, in Weapon category
So is the actual gun part of the mod?
@robloxweponco oh that sucks.
@shipster no
@squideater56 sent, open 000.unity with U3D
Will this ever become android as well?
@squideater56 give me ur email so i can send u source code
@CarnationRED i dont know how to use the custom inputs, so im at a loss on how to use them
@squideater56 I made a game's JointRotator's replica in mod script to let rotator use custom inputs
@CarnationRED sweet! I already have the turret installed on my B-25.
@Brields95 yes i will
Would you consider adapting this into AA guns and turrets
@HellRaiser Agree