Rally Championships
49.2k Wogchamp
6.4 years ago
Version 3.77
No Tags
Update 2!
Mod has faulty 3d trees bc of 1.7, map is fine otherwise.
Various aspects adjusted to help the game run smoother!
You can experience a 40%FPS increase now!
A large course with unforgiving drops and corners, be sure to save your checkpoints, or otherwise, have fun driving like a grandma. The map is a quick creation while my larger maps are in progress, besides, it's been a while since I posted. :)
The pickup seen in the screenshots is komuhachi's Ford F Series Custom. It handles the corners great and drifts nearly perfectly on this course.
Tip: Trees are more useful than you think, you'll thank me later ;)
Hey the google drive link gives an error
this file is in trash of google drive
@Strucker Yeah that would've been the 1.8 update..., I'll update the description.
it appears some trees like to be invisible and untextured.
However, this is a good map.
whats the truck u used
how did you get the sand effect
Make this for android
Can I have the link to the truck?
Oh man would it be cool for mobile, I have so many rally and Baja inspired vechicles, oh it would be fun, too bad I don't have a pc
Here @Juanfly154
hey, I was wondering who did you got those graphics, is that a texture pack o r something??? if so could you tell were to find it???@DuckMint
My phone has the required specs to handle this, please add Android
Ok @DuckMint
@Winstonlharambe it's impossible to upload now, I'd need the mod files and I deleted them. You'll have to just download them via PC or Mac
How do I do it manually? Never uploaded a mod on Steam @DuckMint
@Winstonlharambe Oh nevermind, I don't have the files for this game anymore. You'll have to try it manually.
U actually replied lol thank u @DuckMint
@Winstonlharambe Fine
Anyone, please?
Can anyone upload this on Steam please?
@T8flightcrafts This map took just under a week to finalize and release. :)
Some new maps are coming soon!
It is very cool, I saw the video
How long did it take to make this?
oh thanks!! @DuckMint