Version 0.1
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This mod allows the camera to go below the surface of the water, and has some effects including blue fog, caustics (those strange light things projected down).
There are no settings, simply enable the mod and get going. The majority of the mod was made by me, WNP78, and the caustics images were provided by Gestour.
Crafts used in screenshots:
MSC Vengeance by EternalDarkness
rocket biplane made by me for testing. (This shows how to use rockets for propulsion underwater, as they work for some reason. You need to attach a rocket to the back end of the detacher and the craft to the wide end, leaving nothing on the thin end. This will cause it to stay attached to the craft.)
Android doesn't support mods with code in them, like this. This mod would not load in the latest version of SP for Android.
@WNP78 hey Sir this mod is not useful, because if I open the mod and go under the water, the camera can't move under the water, my simple planes1.12.203, Please resolve the issue,thank you very much
@samuelschnurralves np.
@MosquitowithaMachineGun OK, thanks.
@samuelschnurralves you can't. Mods got removed on mobile.
this causes large amounts of fog now above water
How can I download the mod in mobile?
@WNP78 Do you know if they copied and pasted this mod (and others) into the upcoming SP2, or did they redesign everything to accommodate the new features including this one?
Is Still working?
@WNP78 how about apple
Oh boy I can’t wait till I get a PC Until then I’m gonna go on a rant now
@WNP78 If ur a Dev just make the latest version of the simpleplanes?
@WNP78 well then why not add it in the mods section as default with overload and fine tuner
It would be cool if android users (me being one of them) could have this mod.
@ACGspOfficial my guy I think I said this to you before the other day that is unnecessary and again keep in mind the game is from 2014, theres only so much you can do to it, also I’m not understanding the Google play part? Either way dude just leave those opinions off the site please
@ACGspOfficial woah woah woah, they didnt know they were done. He didnt mean bad bruv, hes currently fixing it
@WNP78 So we have to outdate it?
@TheTomatoLover there's not much that can't be added, it's just a question of how much time it would take and if that's worth it versus how much we want it. In this case, there is the extra issue that the underwater part of the SP map was never designed to be seen, the terrains simply end. That was fine when you couldn't see underwater, but allowing the camera underwater in the stock game would push that into bug territory
@WNP78 could you add this to the game? Serious question. Explain why and the issues that stop you from adding it to all versions.
working goooooood
waw i ken do em hej tri seben ziro
I put mine in the mods folder. It says it's working, but why can't the camera dive?
@SlowSeline82 it works but it says error