Updated to work with SP1.9
screenshots is now limited to 1600*900, and compressed before uploading
When playing in map, Press F12 to take screenshots (compatible with FreeCam mod).
After you opened share aircraft dialog, the last 3 screenshots will be automatically added for you to choose from.
Use 3-finger tap to take a picture.
Three finger tap, means touching the screen with three fingers and then move all fingers away in a short time. The mod starts a timer after 3 touch points were detected, if all 3 touches are released in 0.2 second, it starts taking a screenshot.
In order to keep a balance, you can takein-game pictures only
for uploading.
The link is dead because android is doesn't supported
Why doesn’t iOS support mods? I could really use this sense I have to crop my pictures and they look like a bank security camera as a result
@MrWriteMonday idk, i dont think you can
For some reason it just doesnt work for me, regardless of what other mods are active, regardless of how the screenshot is taken, e.g. in editor, in game, using f12, using fn+f12, using prtSc, everything doesnt work, I deleted and redownloaded the mod from the mods folder, help
It doesn't work
@Miguel69 1.9 dropped support for Android. Cope
@obajigabangal GOG and Steam are the same
I can't insert this mods because this os not suitable because you sended GitHub, not Google drive
Anyone know how to download this for Steam? Or any other mod NOT through the Steam workshop for that matter?
Mobile 1.12 plz
does not work with 1.12.
Is this only for steam? im playing on gog.com or smth
@RishantYT747fan i tried to download but there is some issue, that link is not able to download a file
@AN335 Android version
Sadly, no longer download with mobile
is there any way to change the screenshot keybind?
Nice can't download this mod with mobile
Keep it up damn
It doesn't work
@Emirates380 dead link
@Emirates380 dead link
@ZenarchAero are you sure?
Give me android version
Does not work.