Version 1.0
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This little mod disable V-Sync and allow you to limit frame per second in game.
Download from google drive:
Android: LINK
Attach this block to your aircraft and set fps limit.
It can be useful, if you have download craft with many parts. Then you fps may be low, but stable.
I didn't find this function in game, so have created this little mod.
I have not tested the mod for android
android does NOT work
@32 oh lol
@formulaguyy this mod was made in 2018-19 lol
u dont really need this, if u have pc with nvidia graphics u can just set a fps limit in the driver settings
@Ezri toggle Fps in the dev conscle
How does he get the data at the top left of his screen in the screenshot? That would be really useful for people to optimize their graphics settings with.
@JustPlay bro it sets the fps. So if you have a 120hz screen you can set the max fps to 69 and then the fps won't go all the way up. It doesn't increase your fps.
@Tully2001 lmao
@CrashFighter05 if you think your laptop does poorly i'm on a tab with less then 500mb of ram
Note to self: do not use Overload to set limit to 0
This mod comes pre installed with the mobile version
Bad thing is: I don't need this. my laptop does so poorly that it can't take advantage of an FPS limiter.....
Lol you pleb getting 10fps
@JustPlay it lowers fps, it does not stabilize it.
Next mod should show what memory/FPS is currently (running?)
@GreatHenry это уже можно сделать в игре, включив их командой toggle fps через консоль
А можно это будет показывать само число кадров?
well...why it didn't work?i set the limit to 50,but ingame fps still very craft is only 300 parts, and its usually only 2 fps
my laptops' problem?Lenovo G470(lol)
Nope, you'll need the mod. And your minimum fps idea will probably break something.
Thanks! I generally get around 60fps, but then it drops to 10 for around 30 seconds. I'm guessing this will fix that?
@DerekSP ok I test it all out!
thank you
It works quite well on Android!
@avataxel limiting the FPS can increase the stability of the game. And I highly doubt that any mod could improve the optimization of the game without drastic changes to the source files.