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316k mikoyanster  5.8 years ago
Version 1.1 Map


This is the first campaign with missions that I have created for SimplePlanes. After investigating how the triggers and events were programmed in C # Sharp, I was able to deduce how they could be applied to the game. It was not easy, but after many tests, I achieved it and I share it with the community. This type of functions provide an interesting future to the SimplePlanes mods. I wish we could know more to make it better. In any case, I present MikoTestScript, a test campaign, with which I hope you enjoy as much as I design it.

Teaser video

The campaign

We are in the Mediterranean Sea, more specifically in the Greek islands. We are near to the island of Cephalonica, performing intelligence tasks. However, a faction of the army of a hostile country has claimed for itself part of the Greek islands, and has managed to take control of its strategic points. The allied countries observe with concern the escalation of war, and the policy of fait accompli, which is undoubtedly being promoted in a very sly manner. To avoid a total confrontation, the Allied command has decided that a group of pilots of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63) will perform the attack missions that will free the enemy from the area.


Mission 1 - Operation Red-green # Welcome to the USS CV-63 Kitty Hawk. You have been destined to the Greek Islands, but you do not come to enjoy your holidays. An international crisis of unpredictable consequences has been unleashed in Greece. The island of Kephalonia has been conquered by an uncontrolled faction of the army of an enemy nation. According to intelligence reports, antiaircraft units have been installed in the vicinity of its airport. Your mission will be to eliminate the anti-aircraft units to facilitate the reconquest of the island by the allied forces. According to intelligence reports, the enemy could try to defend their positions. Our mission operator has configured an attack route that should facilitate its penetration into the danger zone without being detected. Follow the checkpoints until your return home.

Mission 2 - Operation Furious-defense # The enemy is stronger than it seems. They have sent a battalion of armored vehicles and occupied strategic positions on the island. Destroy the troop transports you find and try to evade possible antiaircraft defenses. According to Intelligence, antiaircraft tanks have been hidden by thermal-radar invisibility canvas. We have also been informed that a convoy has taken the town of Argostoli. You must launch a high-precision attack on the heavy weapons transport trucks located in the middle of town. It is very important that your bombs do not destroy the surrounding houses. There is a refugee civil population and we do not want the UN to paralyze the whole operation. Follow the checkpoints that we have configured for your flight.

Mission 3 - Operation Final package # We have liberated a part of the island, however the enemy continues to send forces through air transport. The airport is being used to regroup a large ground force that must be destroyed at all costs. You must destroy all enemy forces including the airport bunker and fuel tanks to prevent refueling. Be careful, you need to use all the polyvalent capacity of your plane.

Mission 4 - Operation Desperate defense # The enemy knows our position and wants to destroy the Allied fleet. For that they have sent a fleet with an undetermined number of destroyers and cruisers. If you succeed, we can retake control of the island and continue the battle in the next Mediterranean rock. Prepare the best naval fighting aircraft you have, you will need it.

How to play

All missions have a series of fluorescent green checkpoints that can be seen even at night. You just have to go to them to reveal the next checkpoint. It is possible that some checkpoints are difficult to locate, but that is part of the game, keep calm and try to observe the direction and possible route of the flight. In the end, you will find all of them. If, when passing through a checkpoint, you find enemy units, you can choose to continue with your route, defend yourself or attack. It is considered that the mission has ended when all the enemy units were destroyed and their plane returns to the aircraft carrier.


  • miko1BaseMapDistance.cs
    It is applied to the terrain you are creating and solves the problem of the distance limit in the visualization of the textures. This is a breakthrough for large maps.

  • miko2DestroyMultipleObjects.cs
    It is designed to replace a building with a debris object. In this way when it is fired on the building, it is destroyed and the debris is shown.

  • miko2DestroyObject.cs
    It is similar to the previous one but only one debris object is shown.

  • miko3TriggerPlane.cs
    When you collide on a checkpoint or a delimited area, an airplane will appear.

  • miko4TriggerShip.cs
    When you collide on a checkpoint or a delimited area, a ship will appear.

  • miko5Waypoints.cs
    When it collides on a checkpoint, it disappears, and shows the next one.

  • miko6TriggerTanks.cs
    When you collide on a checkpoint or a delimited area, a convoy or tank will appear.

Functions that I would like ...

I am fully aware that the campaign can be improved and there are many things that can be improved, but this depends on the community and the creators of the game. Next I make my list of santa claus.

  • Minimap for the player to know his location
  • Some way to improve the destruction of buildings
  • A better checkpoint system
  • Some method to include more air, land and sea units, based on the creations of SimplePlanes, so that it is not through the AI Aircraft Spawn ... and that does not consume much memory.
  • Be able to define patrol routes for enemy aircraft
  • G indicator for aircraft maneuvers

Special thanks

I want to thank the entire community, the help and support in the doubts and questions I have had to develop this project. In particular I want to thank... @WNP78 @MisterT @Kimcotupan15 @Lahoski107 @MOPCKOEDNISHE @Aerofy @DuckMint @Chancey21

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    44.4k 1342791782

    Why do I show that the script is gone?

    one year ago
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    this is top notch, great for designing the perfect ground strike aircraft, really fun!

    3.2 years ago
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    I'd say this is the best map

    4.9 years ago
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    Android please!

    5.3 years ago
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    Great work!

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @mikoyanster plase see this

    5.6 years ago
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    click plase see this and help me @ mikoyanster

    5.6 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Well it doesn’t matter to me since I have an iPad, but it’s still unfortunate that now there won’t even be a chance for Android mods.


    5.6 years ago
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    @Awsomur sorry but no way install android plugin for Unity. This avoid muy effort to generate android version for this map...

    5.6 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    This may be our last ever chance to say “Android plz”

    5.6 years ago
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    9,510 ValtTeck

    No mobile?

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    @mikoyanster Well at least your answer shows that it was NOT supposed to not attack me... I've noticed that it is sometimes possible to block enemy attack for some reason, perhaps by damaging the weapons module... Though I know it's not really reasonable to think that I disabled both the missile launcher and the AAA in one strafing run...

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    @vcharng I do not know ... if you record a video, we could see the flight conditions ...

    5.8 years ago
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    @Viper3000ad Muchas gracias amigo! I hope visit Greece! It´s a nice Country and great people!

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    9,447 vcharng

    Hmm, is it normal for the Tropical Fear (4th mission) to not attack me at all?
    I didn't expect there to be a 3rd wave of enemy ships, so I had no choice but to engage with guns, and for some reason I never received any returning fire...

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    14.7k Viper3000ad

    @mikoyanster Oh nice we thank you for the reference. My Spanish are rusty but let me try ... Mapa fantastico Tal vez lo mejor en el sitio, también lo hacen sus aviones. Espero que visites Grecia pronto. ;-)
    P.S Loved your Greek F-16 .

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    @Viper3000ad no but i was searching islands for this mod ;-)

    5.8 years ago
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    14.7k Viper3000ad

    Kefalonia ? Ελληνάς είσαι ; Are you Greek?

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    I thought it was C+ or C++

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    sees C# knowing nothing about coding, stops, and screams in Bb


    5.8 years ago
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    1,899 ObliviousCed


    5.8 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    @cedblox332 Code, code, and more code.

    5.8 years ago
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    If you don't need to share your assets pack plase give me only terrain and runway and roads pack

    5.8 years ago
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    106k MisterT

    @mikoyanster Ok, thanks for your answer. I don't know why the spawn system of the modtool makes the game very laggy. I noticed that when I add 3 ai planes to a mod map, it lags a lot but if i remove them and spawn the 3 same planes in game, there's no lag.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    @MisterT I have done some tests in which several planes appeared at the same time. But this causes a significant delay. In this mod, in mission 3 there is a moment when you have to shoot down cargo planes. At that point I decided, that the planes appeared one by one to make the game experience more fluid. Anyway, if you realize, when it comes to loading ships or tanks, they are loaded immediately, without any delay. That's why I deduce that there has to be some way of doing the same with airplanes. I believe that the problem is in the "Spawner", since it publishes the airplane in an approximate location, random type, but not exact as it happens with the naval and terrestrial units. The fact that we must indicate a behavior of the AI can also influence. That may require more system memory. I think the solution can come from creating a script based on the functions of the "AI Aircraft Spawner" that by default maintains an aggressive attitude towards the player, or simply follow a pre-established route. That is another of the problems we face. The simplest solution would be to create a bomber that will fly without changing its height, just changing course with the tail rudder. On the other hand, that plane would have to have very few parts, from 50 to 100 maximum. With these parameters we could make sure that the plane will not make a dive flight and it will crash. If the plane has few parts, we also ensure that several can be loaded at once, for example a maximum of 3. Another solution that occurs to me is to create several bombers in the same model, that way they appear at the same time. Be that as it may, there are few other solutions ... unless for the moment ... If these issues were addressed and the Modtools included all these suggestions, the game would gain a lot. I guess everything will be a matter of time. What I discover, I will share with everyone.

    My dream is that SimplePlanes, had some graphics similar to those of DCS, you could edit missions with the issues that we have been saying and that you could design the paint schemes of the planes to make it more realistic and we could build them in less time ... maybe I will post an article in the forum ordering all these ideas and schematizing all the aspects that I have in my brain about it ...

    +1 5.8 years ago
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