Update 1 November 2021:
I have finally solve the problem with color. Now rubber part of wheel and tracks are paintable:
The color of rubber part of wheel and tracks have Trim 2 index. I recommend to use black color with 0% metallic and 0% smoothness. Then tracks will look like in updates before 1.11. Dont forget to delete old version of the mod.
Update 3 October 2021:
Mod was updated for version 1.11.
Now tracks have correct color, metallic, smoothness and emission:
Unpaintable part of wheel and chains (rubber) still have different color that in previous updates. It this update it become more gray, but i cant do anything with it:
Update 8 September 2019:
Bug with water have been removed. Now tracks fail under water.
Update 8 July 2019:
New attributes:
Max.speed forward, km/h
- after this speed forward friction multiply in Antispeed multiplier forward times.
Max.speed back, km/h
- after this speed forward friction multiply in Antispeed multiplier back times.
Antispeed multiplier forward
- friction multiplier. This value dont have limits, but dontset this value less than 1.
Antispeed multiplier back
- friction multiplier. This value dont have limits, but dont set this value less than 1.
I present to you my new mod: Tracks 2.
This mod contains Custom tracks part in Tracks 2 category.
Created by KRAYTEK999:
Tank from preview : K. Corp MT-21B4 Grizzly
MT-27 Violetta
1.Wheels forces was fixed and now force directions are correct.
2.Now tracks have a brake. It is possible to stop tank (i think it can make this mod more comfortable).
3.Spring forces was recalculated.
4.Water...tracks still can ride on it. So, imagine that it a ice!
If you will set the tracks attribute by attribute sliders, the game will be crashes. Regulary. I recommended you to use Overload mod for it.
Also, i know about console errors. And know about bad connections of tracks joints. Like this:
Also, in Designer you will not see a assembled tracks. You will see only wheels and separated tracks joints. It is a bug, not a feature.
1st input controller
(Pitch by default) required for forward/back moving.
2nd input controller
(Roll by default) required for left/right turning. This controller in the left tracks part must be inverted
3rd input controller
(Brake by default) - it is a brake.
4th input controller
(Trim by default) - need for pitch turning. It is a suspension like on Strv 103. For correct work of pitch turning count of wheels must be even - 2, 4, 6,8, 10 or other.
5th input controller
(VTOL by default) - need for roll turning. This controller on the other tracks must be inverted
. Count of wheels -any.
6th input controller
(Activate 8 by default) - enable / disable suspension.
4, 5, and 6 input controller will work if only
attrubite Exist
in Hydraulic suspension selection will be "Yes".
- Right/Left. Click Right for right track, and left for left track. If you click this In Designer track will not changes. You will see it in level or of after reload the craft. Dont forget to reattach (Shift+K) tracks after mirroring.
Power, HP
- power of tracks.
Tracks length
- tracks length.
Tracks width
- tracks width.
Main wheels radius
- radius of main wheels.
Gear wheels radius
- radius of gear wheel.
Free wheels radius
- radius of free wheel.
Supp. wheels radius
- radius of little support wheels.
Main wheel width
- width of main wheels.
Gear wheel width
- width of gear wheel.
Free wheel width
- width of free wheel.
Supp. wheel width
- width of support wheels.
Gear-1st main length
- spacing from gear wheel to first main rear wheel:
Free-1st supp. wheel length
- spacing from free wheel to fist support wheel:
Main wheel spacing
- spacing between main wheels.
Support wheel spacing
- spacing between support wheels.
Wheels vertical offset section:
Main wheel mount offset
- vertical offset of mount of main wheels.
Support wheel mount offset
- vertical offset of support wheels.
Gear wheel mount offset
- vertical offset of gear wheel.
Wheels horizontal offset section:
Free wheel X offset
- horizontal offset of free wheel.
Gear wheel X offset
- horizontal offset of gear wheel.
Supp. wheel X offset
- horizontal offset of support wheels.
Chess offset section:
1,3,5...X offset
- chess suspension offset of 1st, 3rd, 5th... and other odd main wheels.
2,4,6...X offset
- chess suspension offset of 2nd, 4rth, 6th... and other even main wheels.
Wheel count
- count of main wheels. Minimal - 2. Maximal - 100.
Support wheel count
- count of support wheels. Minimal - 2. Maximal - 100.
Suspension section:
Spring per wheel, kgF
- spring of one wheel
in tracks when suspension of this wheel is fully compressed
Fully compressed suspension of any track look like this:
Wheel damper, kgF
- damper of one wheel in tracks.
This both attributes- spring and damper - i recommend to set identical.
Mathematic example:
Weigth of you tank = 40 000 kg. It is mean that one track hold a 20 000 kg. Track have a 5 wheels. This mean that weigth per wheel = 20000 / 5 = 4000 kg.
But if you set spring = 4000 kgF, then you tank "sit down" on the ground, because every wheel will create force 4000 kgF if only suspension is fully compressed. I recommend you set value of the wheels in 4 times more then weigth per wheel.
Lever length, m
- length of lever of main wheel:
The length of the suspension can not be more than lever length.
Lever offset, m
- this value set the angle of lever when suspension is fully extended. In Designer you see the fully extended suspension. Minimal - 0.1 m, Maximal - lever length.
Side friction per wheel
- side friction per wheel.
Forward friction per wheel
- forward friction per wheel.
Brake force
- brake force. If you set very big value and your tank will be very light, then you tank will be jittering at brake.
Hydraulic suspension section:
- enable/disable hydraulic suspension on your tank.
Hydraulic speed
- speed of the turning/rolling.
Hydraulic pitch force
- multiplier of the pitching. Recommended value - 2.
Visible supp.wheels
- is support wheels visible. If you dont want to have a support wheels, then set "No".
Tracks have a three paints - Primary, Trim 1, Trim 2. Primary - wheel paint. Trim 1 - track paint. Trim 3 - rubber paint.
Download from Google Drive:
Download from MEGA:
@NoOne123 Very sad you still don't realize that the ending of mod support for android is not my fault.
I dislike mod🦶👎
do pls in android
its sad its not mobile compatible... i have been making tanks and i really need this
@MOPCKOEDNISHE how to tirn
@NANAMl Can't you stop?
It is very important to create amazing works but why android users don't get the experience of using the Track2 mod?
How am I going to be able to scale down these tracks, when I scale it down with a module the tracks don't connect, most of what I build are small tanks,thank you very much
@MOPCKOEDNISHE I understand now,let wish it inSP2!
I like it
@NoOne123 pin of shame
hi i love this mod it looks amazing i am just having a bit of Trouble geting the tracks to turn the vehicle. if anyone could help that whould be great great thanks.
@NoOne123 who the heck do you think you are?
@MOPCKOEDNISHE no problem, I just want to see an end to a bullshit person that kept on bothering you, and figure I had to make a summary about it
@Aer0User Happy to see the player that understand this, thanks.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE that's ok, i don't need this mod anymore, i will need it if i finally get a laptop or computer @Aer0User
@NoOne123 please stop, you been blathering and harassing on this mod creator and the entire mod itself for 2.5 years now because of a mod support removal that wasn't his fault in the first place, yet you come back here being immature, you had those years to grow up yet you still act terminally online, let the mod creator stay in peace FFS.
Also considering your other comments that I have seen, you should be banned and shamed whatsoever because of you spamming the N word and hating people for no reason at all.
My opinion on this? I don't get you how having 3.6 years on the site yet you display the same behavior over and over. Why dislike the mod when you can just not click it altogether? There's literally tank builds that do not require mods
@look l’m not pin you
@Petropavlovsk101 hi how are you
look,another android mod destroyer!
@MOPCKOEDNISHE Thank you so much! This should be very helpful in making my mod. I've saved the code as requested so you can delete it.
Update: I implemented the code and everything works perfectly.
@PlaneFlightX Hi, no problem:
Look at lines 113, 363, 1250-1255.
This code is very bad, i have writed it more than 5 years ago, but anyway i hope it can help you. Also, please download it and save to any place, because i don't want that this bad code was at my GitHub too long :)
Hi, I'm creating a mod which uses multiple input controllers, and I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me how you got the values from them with scripts. Currently I can only use the value of one, but this mod has multiple on one part and they all work. (I'm happy to just look through the source code of this mod too).
@MOPCKOEDNISHE 其实你可以另外搞一个安卓下载站的,比如放在网盘里