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A Discussion of Digital Displays - Tutorial and Theory

67.2k SnoWFLakE0s  5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    I've added subs- turn them on if you like those.

    Pinned 5.1 years ago
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    7,308 iPilot

    @SnOwFLakE0s could you share the craft in the video?

    3.5 years ago
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    1,533 MrCloud

    Wow, I can't believe that I understood that and I'm 11! Do I like them up?

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    @SnoWFLakE0s Oh, you mean a manual FCS, like those targeting tables used in WWI/WWII combat vessels? My brain kinda forgot these also count as FCS for a while, lol. Yeah, this could work, and a numerical display would indeed make its use a lot easier.

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    Target data is uninputable with the system- but have you thought of if the operator does it himself? That is, using other inputs like Trim, you can set a range to the target and whatnot. I've got the theoretical components mostly down, but relative velocity is somewhat easy to measure using trigonometry (although, it assumes 10 billion things and is not the best method) and it would result in a somewhat accurate firing solution for at the very least a short while. It's still a work-in-progress, but I can definitely see it work once I figure out the physics- I kind of need to relearn my vector arithmetic to do this one.

    5.1 years ago
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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    @SnoWFLakE0s Perhaps you could post it as an unlisted build (instead of public), and provide a link to it in your original post? It's what I do when I've got multiple variants of the same plane without much changing between them.

    And you make me curious; do you something in mind for an FCS system? I'd think (in my infinite lack of creativity) it would be impossible to make one right now given you can't input any target data. If in the future we do get target data as inputs - range, bearing, and if they really want to go all out, relative velocity - then that would open up a lot of possibilities. FCS, automated gun turrets, RWR displays.

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    Thanks for the kind words- and yes, that's the first thing I thought of when I realized I could make this. I already have a version of my ranging system with these new digital displays, resulting in a much cleaner and straightforward interface, but it isn't functionally different from the original, which is why I don't want to do a reupload. However, when I do end up making the full on FCS system, a digital display would be of incredible utility to the user.

    5.1 years ago
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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    Man, if you found a way to integrate this into your gunnery system (for ranging information and the like), that would be fantastic. Not that it isn't any less amazing as is.

    Keep up the brilliant work, I must say all of this has inspired me to start trying my hand at making something like a Stuvi gunsight. You show people it's possible to do amazing things in SP, and I'm sure many others are also motivated by your endeavours.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    And it would also introduce some new stuff. Like "InContactWithGround" (instead of InContactWithPlanet which is a thing in SR2, that would be useful for stuff like locking landinggear turning if the plane wasnt on the ground (which I guess could be possible now if you do it with altitude or just lock it with speed, but you get the point. This system is hard to understand for people who cant program, like me haha

    5.1 years ago
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    @SnoWFLakE0s of course both would be the best, then you can just choose what is better for you

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    I guess so, but it would also be annoying to not be able to write it out- if anything, having both would be best. I prefer the current state over a visual programming system.

    5.1 years ago
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    Visual programming just seems much simpler

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    @SnoWFLakE0s I imagine it wouldn't be as messy to make if SP had something like Vizzy though, although it would probably still take a while to make something like this display.

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    Indeed, digital displays would make stuff a lot simpler.

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    This system is really messy though. The following is code for just one, just one of the lights in a digital display for the thousands place: (formatting broken)

    clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) + 0.01))clamp01(ceil(0.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 1.99))clamp01(ceil(2.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 2.99))clamp01(ceil(3.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 4.99))clamp01(ceil(5.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 4.99))clamp01(ceil(5.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 5.99))clamp01(ceil(6.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 6.99))clamp01(ceil(7.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 7.99))clamp01(ceil(8.01 - floor(X/1000))) + clamp01(ceil(floor(X/1000) - 8.99))*clamp01(ceil(9.01 - floor(X/1000)))

    The lower places (hundreds, tens, ones) get even more messy. The above is merely one light though- I have basically 7 of those for each digit-display. Works fantastically, though.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    Well, the same as Vizzy but for inputs instead of the whole craft, ofcourse. There could probably be a workaround but having it for individual parts would just be simpler.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    Damn thats dope, I hope we get something like Vizzy in SP though, that would make all this funky trees stuff simpler to understand and write, it's basically like programming in Scratch.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    121k belugasub


    5.1 years ago
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    8,630 DuceAnchovy

    Wow that's soo cool!!!

    5.1 years ago
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    67.2k SnoWFLakE0s

    Thank you Nirvash, very cool!

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    21.3k Fumo

    Thank you Snow, very cool!

    5.1 years ago