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Turning Test F-15C (DCS) vs ESD-A3J-C (SimplePlanes)

316k mikoyanster  5.2 years ago
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    Here is the video that demostrate that speed is the same @ChiChiWerx

    5.2 years ago
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    @ChiChiWerx It has been compared at the same speed, although it cannot be seen in the DCS video clip. On the other hand it is an approximation, it is not intended to do exactly the same. If it is observed the turn are similar, it seems a fact.

    +3 5.2 years ago
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    30.4k ChiChiWerx

    Well, I hope you’re comparing the two using the same TAS/IAS; otherwise comparison just isn’t valid. I can’t see what speed the DCS F-15 is flying. Also your SP build is loaded with Boom 50s, which in RL, would significantly degrade the turning capability of any jet.

    +8 5.2 years ago