@Hedero Considering how easy it would be to add more shell models (download royalty-free model, import it into the game assets, add it to the list of options) I don't see why it couldn't be done in a few hours. The same goes for weapon sounds, explosions, etc.
Actually that's a very neat concept indeed. I would quite enjoy the ability to customize your weaponry in almost any way conceivable. However, I would think things like that would maybe wait for SP2. I would hope the devs could consider at least a few of those ideas though.@SledDriver
@Hedero Things that would be very simple to add would be more options for the shape of the shell (bombs, railgun projectiles), the explosions (regular, incendiary, nuclear), and the cannon firing sound, which at the moment sounds like someone whacking a plank of wood against another. With any luck, a future update will add those things.
What would be even better is if you could create a subassembly and define that as the thing launched by the cannon. So you could have all kinds of custom-designed artillery shells, conventional bombs, nuclear bombs, and so on.
If only there were xml mods to edit the shape of the explosion. Like a long-lasting mushroom cloud to simulate the "Fat Man". But very cool nonetheless.@SledDriver
I'm late to the party, but does anyone know what that circle 'reticle ' is called? Is it a mod?
Thanks, @SpiritusRaptor
Thanks, @Skov07
@WildWiryClam It uses jet engines as thrusters to apply the pitch and yaw forces, like one of my flight modules.
Can anyone please explain how this things pitch and yaw works? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/PaOhO0/KG-H25-dark-clouds
@SledDriver is the best!
Yea, well hopefully eventually.@SledDriver
@Hedero Considering how easy it would be to add more shell models (download royalty-free model, import it into the game assets, add it to the list of options) I don't see why it couldn't be done in a few hours. The same goes for weapon sounds, explosions, etc.
Actually that's a very neat concept indeed. I would quite enjoy the ability to customize your weaponry in almost any way conceivable. However, I would think things like that would maybe wait for SP2. I would hope the devs could consider at least a few of those ideas though.@SledDriver
@scratch Yes, exactly.
@Hedero Things that would be very simple to add would be more options for the shape of the shell (bombs, railgun projectiles), the explosions (regular, incendiary, nuclear), and the cannon firing sound, which at the moment sounds like someone whacking a plank of wood against another. With any luck, a future update will add those things.
What would be even better is if you could create a subassembly and define that as the thing launched by the cannon. So you could have all kinds of custom-designed artillery shells, conventional bombs, nuclear bombs, and so on.
Did you modify the cloud settings for those ships to be grouped like that?(monkey brain curious)
If only there were xml mods to edit the shape of the explosion. Like a long-lasting mushroom cloud to simulate the "Fat Man". But very cool nonetheless.@SledDriver
Thanks, @Treadmill103. Yeah, the poor Beast takes a lot of punishment on my machine...