I can land it fairly easily. Just deploy the speedbrakes (AG2), go to idle or nearly so, passing 300 KIAS, lower the gear, then the flaps to full, as you approach 200 KIAS, push the power up to 50-60% depending on weight. BE SURE TO RETRACT THE SPEEDBARKES! You make the mistake of huge power corrections. At this time, you should be ready to start down on glide path. Hold no slower than 165 KIAS with 50-60% power. No problem, she lands nicely.
The Plane Is Out!
Just go around!
No you just flipping suck at landing that's all
Just Incase you didn’t notice you spelt his name wrong you put astroid instead of asteroid@ACEPILOT109
haha "to fast" and not "too fast"
lol thanks man (:
Not a problem, just wanted to let you know. I thought you would feel stupid if you found out later.
This is why this thing was called “Widow-maker.” Anything under 200mph and it would fall out of the sky.
*too fast
@WSindustries lol
oh hello, your the one who helped make it fly right!
I was trying to land it with no intrustion its kidna funny lol. thanks! (:
I can land it fairly easily. Just deploy the speedbrakes (AG2), go to idle or nearly so, passing 300 KIAS, lower the gear, then the flaps to full, as you approach 200 KIAS, push the power up to 50-60% depending on weight. BE SURE TO RETRACT THE SPEEDBARKES! You make the mistake of huge power corrections. At this time, you should be ready to start down on glide path. Hold no slower than 165 KIAS with 50-60% power. No problem, she lands nicely.
@ACEPILOT109 I'm first who watch this great video :]