Step 1: Aquire a Fighter Jet and a nuke
Step 2: Take off, or spawn next to target
Step 3: Turn on air to ground mode
Step 4: Using the cannon target as a rough estimation of where the bomb will land, detach it.
Step 5: Pull the yoke, harder than a lot of things you can think of, and climb.
Step 6: Prepare For Lag
Step 7: Do a cool trick with the jet to show your power
Should have done:
1. Jet taking off in a ridiculous way
2. During the takeoff process do 1 loop nearly crashing into the ground and some barrel rolls
3. Stall your way to the target
4. Don’t use the cannon for a rough estimation be wayyyyy off like accedently bomb the bridge
5. Dive down really fast and do a stall maneuver and some stunts
7. Do some stunts and activate like 3883 engines to show the envoirement who’s boss
Step 1: Aquire a Fighter Jet and a nuke
Step 2: Take off, or spawn next to target
Step 3: Turn on air to ground mode
Step 4: Using the cannon target as a rough estimation of where the bomb will land, detach it.
Step 5: Pull the yoke, harder than a lot of things you can think of, and climb.
Step 6: Prepare For Lag
Step 7: Do a cool trick with the jet to show your power
Credit for bomb goes to: MansBestFriend
@WiiMini i really want that video
why must you do this to me?
@WiiMini what?
@DerpTheSoyacfartala this is better
gives you sad puppy eyes
@DerpTheSoyacfartala no
@DerpTheSoyacfartala no u get this
@WiiMini i would like my 951 video tho
can i please have it?
@WiiMini the 777- GBT can carry a maximum of 15 nuclear bombs
@DerpTheSoyacfartala haha big nuke go nuuuuuuuuuuuu
Instructions not clear. nuked the nuke
@Learpot lol
the julia fighter jets can carry nukes but not that big
they are small
(meme way)
Should have done:
1. Jet taking off in a ridiculous way
2. During the takeoff process do 1 loop nearly crashing into the ground and some barrel rolls
3. Stall your way to the target
4. Don’t use the cannon for a rough estimation be wayyyyy off like accedently bomb the bridge
5. Dive down really fast and do a stall maneuver and some stunts
7. Do some stunts and activate like 3883 engines to show the envoirement who’s boss
@WiiMini you play on mac? Lolollollollollol
@DerpTheSoyacfartala, I got a video, not the right one, but it's close