It fits!!
@WolfSpark I didn’t lol, you can check
@AWESOMENESS360 said that on his OV-10 landing post
When you're panicking in Tetris and you just drop the shape, but it fits.
First part of the video looked like an accurate representation of your average RyanAir flight
@KnightOfRen thanks for tag, but also what the heck are the chances it fits, in the right position...
That’s what she said @CrimsonOnigiri
low, the chances are low
It fits!!
@WolfSpark I didn’t lol, you can check
@AWESOMENESS360 said that on his OV-10 landing post
When you're panicking in Tetris and you just drop the shape, but it fits.
First part of the video looked like an accurate representation of your average RyanAir flight
@KnightOfRen thanks for tag, but also what the heck are the chances it fits, in the right position...
That’s what she said @CrimsonOnigiri
low, the chances are low