@xboxseriesx here is a way how I did it, you would probably want to find audio of a plane engine noise, then you go to Audio editor to edit the pitch and echo noises, then you would want to take that audio and put it into video leap and put that audio over the video your editing
Build link btw: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/JY3Ix1/T-280-Skyliner
I wish i knew how to do that
@xboxseriesx yes, but, you can make the noise from simpleplanes if you want, you can put any noise into it
So the noise is from the video and not sp
@xboxseriesx here is a way how I did it, you would probably want to find audio of a plane engine noise, then you go to Audio editor to edit the pitch and echo noises, then you would want to take that audio and put it into video leap and put that audio over the video your editing
But I’ll tell you the this, I used two apps called Videoleap, and AudioEditor
Like really hard
@xboxseriesx it’s pretty complicated to explain..
How did you do it
Minecraft sounds
@SpenzeroInternational Ok
@tsampoy thank you! It took me about 20-30 minutes
They should DEFINITELY sound like that! Nice job