@GuianLorenzo just an FYI, when you press that check mark when done with XML, the part kinda flashes really quickly and “replaces” the same part with the code you want. Since it didn’t flash, I’m guessing nothing happened and turned it into a positive 5000 explosion scale. Cool experiment though :D
none but you soon realized that the aircraft carriers are gone
Game: hasta la ves ta baby
@FinX aaaa, estava te confundindo com uma amiga minha do discord chamda FineXa
@GuianLorenzo just an FYI, when you press that check mark when done with XML, the part kinda flashes really quickly and “replaces” the same part with the code you want. Since it didn’t flash, I’m guessing nothing happened and turned it into a positive 5000 explosion scale. Cool experiment though :D
@FinX tem discord?
@GuianLorenzo ok
@malumuteanaerospace yes
Just the craft that dentonate it
@malumuteanaerospace yes it suck it self but not other things
It suked things@GuianLorenzo?
@malumuteanaerospace Yup thats a black hole
@GuianLorenzo black hole
@asteroidbook345 weaponized black holes when?
@FinX brasileiro?
As far as I know negative explosion scalar sucks in all the trucks if you detonate it near them lol