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Possible S P speed record?

480 Mattvan28  4.1 years ago
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    480 Mattvan28

    @Mattvan28 it was a bit naieve at the time . To say I controlled it is like saying i jumped off my roof , after tripping over a hammer ,falling down , then sliding off the edge before landing face first

    3.6 years ago
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    480 Mattvan28

    @DumbPlaneMaker and still control it ? If so I will be at the drawing board for a while

    4.0 years ago
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    No. You can actually go so fast that it will show "Infinity" on the speed indicator. To do that you must eject a cockpit with massScale and dragScale set to 0 and calculateDrag set to "false" with a detacher with enormous detach force.

    4.0 years ago