I'll call this a part 1 of a post-stall maneuver series tutorial.
Before go to PSM, there are some background knowledge you need to know, you need a somewhat unstable plane to do PSM easily and this is a tutorial on basic of unstable plane and how to make them.
This video show a very basic stuff, PID is some kind of advance stuff but it'll take the basic code of this video.
PID can surely put the plane to 0 pitch rate if you make it do that.
I Thought You'll Make Smth With PID Controller, I Can Do PID But I Just Can Do So Aircraft Stay 0 Pitch, I Don't Know How To Make Aircraft Fly With 0 PitchRate
You misspelled something I'm sure.
Normally just + or - will do.
Also, put pitch code, roll code, AoA code in separate () will make thing easier.
You are in fact correct!
For me I use Pitch + AoA correction + Pitch rate correction.
Or just take the aoa rotator and stick it with pitch rotator lol. (But beware of inverted rotator)
@GuyFolk It's been done plenty of times
In seriousness it would use a similar funky tree statement, but take into account that the control surface is being actively used in motion is my guess. So it'd have to be something with the pitch input plus AoA whereas your canard only seems to respond to AoA
it depend on your educational level.
Funky tree is just Algebra mixed with logic really.
If you have learned that in class it'll be easy.
I think you can even ask your math teacher for help but be patient with them because they might not know the variables used in Funky tree.
I'll call this a part 1 of a post-stall maneuver series tutorial.
Before go to PSM, there are some background knowledge you need to know, you need a somewhat unstable plane to do PSM easily and this is a tutorial on basic of unstable plane and how to make them.
@GuyFolk I noticed the tutorials only provide 1 axis of control for 1 rotator
i.e; if it is used for yaw, then it is used for yaw only
Is there a way to get the rotator to provide more axes of control?
This video show a very basic stuff, PID is some kind of advance stuff but it'll take the basic code of this video.
PID can surely put the plane to 0 pitch rate if you make it do that.
I Thought You'll Make Smth With PID Controller, I Can Do PID But I Just Can Do So Aircraft Stay 0 Pitch, I Don't Know How To Make Aircraft Fly With 0 PitchRate
I can't access the YouTube site😭
You could do both, this exact problem was shown in this video and I adjusted accordingly.
@GuyFolk Nice, btw how do I stop bobbing at high speeds? should I just increase the AOA, or PitchRate?
You misspelled something I'm sure.
Normally just + or - will do.
Also, put pitch code, roll code, AoA code in separate () will make thing easier.
How should I combine the AOA code with my pitch and roll into a single rotator? Because when I try to do it the rotator doesnt move a inch
I have the opposite problem for my su 47 berkut its to unstable but thanks for the tutorial
@EngineerOtaku i could do it without wings, tvc has entered the chat
You can limit other things too.
I didnt knew you could limit aoa with funky trees
I'm glad it help.
All hell break loose when there are alphabets in a math equation.
Big helpful
@GuyFolk Btw thx for the tutorial !
@GuyFolk I dont even know what is algebra lol
You are in fact correct!
For me I use Pitch + AoA correction + Pitch rate correction.
Or just take the aoa rotator and stick it with pitch rotator lol. (But beware of inverted rotator)
@GuyFolk It's been done plenty of times
In seriousness it would use a similar funky tree statement, but take into account that the control surface is being actively used in motion is my guess. So it'd have to be something with the pitch input plus AoA whereas your canard only seems to respond to AoA
That's not impossible after all.
it depend on your educational level.
Funky tree is just Algebra mixed with logic really.
If you have learned that in class it'll be easy.
I think you can even ask your math teacher for help but be patient with them because they might not know the variables used in Funky tree.
Okay...now do it without canards. :)
@GuyFolk ok.
It is hard to learn Funky Trees ?
If the canard not serve any function it'll complicate things for you.