@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI though rare, bikes sometimes do not do what is shown in the video and the title implies that it isn't supposed to happen so I assume that isn't supposed to happen (I am joking)
@GrFrog (Nice bike I forgot to mention) It seems that the jets are unbalanced (one is stronger than the other) make sure all your jets have the same input and power with proper connections
T btw
@GrFrog oh wow lol that's probably a big imbalance if it acts like that
@scratch no I found the problem, the bike wheel itself was unbalanced
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI though rare, bikes sometimes do not do what is shown in the video and the title implies that it isn't supposed to happen so I assume that isn't supposed to happen (I am joking)
Wait bikes aren’t supposed to do that?
@GrFrog (Nice bike I forgot to mention) It seems that the jets are unbalanced (one is stronger than the other) make sure all your jets have the same input and power with proper connections
@scratch they where freewheel with Jets on them
what are your rotators, do they have inputs or do they freewheel?
You having fun there ET?