Update: I've switched to a new tank project and left this one
how to keep track(or wheel) from clipping trough the terrain?
To heavy????
@MuizTheMobileFriendly oakwoakakak mantap gak
@Thunderhawk @scratch around 4.000 Kg
I think mass is to blame here. I agree with @scratch . This happened to me when I xml scaled a car I made and didn’t adjust the mass. How heavy is your tank?
@KangBaksoIntel1 nice try buckaroo
Kayak gini kah bang caranya kan HERE
-Increase wheel mass -Set Physic to Medium graphic -dont use wheel suspension
Coba tuh ajim
how heavy is your tank? maybe it helps if you increase the mass scale of the wheels (around 5 works for me) and maybe reduce the weight of the vehicle
Update: I've switched to a new tank project and left this one
how to keep track(or wheel) from clipping trough the terrain?
To heavy????
@MuizTheMobileFriendly oakwoakakak mantap gak
@Thunderhawk @scratch around 4.000 Kg
I think mass is to blame here. I agree with @scratch . This happened to me when I xml scaled a car I made and didn’t adjust the mass. How heavy is your tank?
@KangBaksoIntel1 nice try buckaroo
Kayak gini kah bang caranya kan HERE
-Increase wheel mass
-Set Physic to Medium graphic
-dont use wheel suspension
Coba tuh ajim
how heavy is your tank? maybe it helps if you increase the mass scale of the wheels (around 5 works for me) and maybe reduce the weight of the vehicle