@NavalGunnery hahahaaa thank you! Now I can finish my anti-aircraft cannon. I’ll make sure to do credits and spotlights
@frogbot4000 found it, from OPaiTaOn's flak88 with quto aim. Credits to him.
@frogbot4000 Im sure i just "borrowed" a fuseInput code from someone's creation long ago, and reused it for these, Ill try finding the source for ya.
@NavalGunnery magic it is. Is it actually possible without ft then? Also could you point me in the direction for the code to do that?
Stonehenge WWII?
Beehive shells! Or at least i think that's what they were called
@frogbot4000 it was funkytrees wizardry
Were those direct hits or some sort of funkytrees wizardry? Also very impressed. I haven't ever been able to hit a plane with a cannon.
@NavalGunnery hahahaaa thank you! Now I can finish my anti-aircraft cannon. I’ll make sure to do credits and spotlights
@frogbot4000 found it, from OPaiTaOn's flak88 with quto aim. Credits to him.
@frogbot4000 Im sure i just "borrowed" a fuseInput code from someone's creation long ago, and reused it for these, Ill try finding the source for ya.
@NavalGunnery magic it is. Is it actually possible without ft then? Also could you point me in the direction for the code to do that?
Stonehenge WWII?
Beehive shells! Or at least i think that's what they were called
@frogbot4000 it was funkytrees wizardry
Were those direct hits or some sort of funkytrees wizardry? Also very impressed. I haven't ever been able to hit a plane with a cannon.