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[WIP] Gigantic Anti-Naval Turret

31.3k ALTMTR  3.0 years ago
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    31.3k ALTMTR

    @T8flight I do.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    9,222 T8flight

    @Bellcat who cares

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    The Giga Chad Naval Turret

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    31.3k ALTMTR

    •At rest, there is a platform at the rear side that aligns with the base of the cannon where a large belt fed magazine loads into. There's going to be a slot on the side of the base where it aligns with the magazine belt (there isn't atm as it is wip) which ejects the casings..

    •It is also intended to use proximity rounds as well, which also means it can target air targets, so the extra elevation is needed though it is going to be trimmed down soon..

    What's not yet placed are:
    -Large belt fed magazine
    -Magazine loading platform
    -Piston under midsection to catch recoil
    -Containment for easy redeployment/bombing protection/concealment.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    7,380 Bellcat

    I like the attention to detail in this build. However...

    • The autocannons do not have a giant magazine nor another way to reload their bullets. It does not even discharge casings. This makes this build seem unrealistic, despite the realism put into it.
    • The elevation of the autocannons’ rotation axes does not seem to serve any use, other than making a big target and making the turret flimsy. Put the autocannons in an encasing so it looks more realistic and adds the opportunity to add magazines and casing discharges.

    These are just my critiques about this build and may not represent the wider community’s opinions.

    +4 3.0 years ago