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(Probably not) The First Ever Recorded Naval Battle (against a player built AI ship)

26.5k Kendog84  1.7 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Destroyer hull (base) was provided by ShiroNeko.
    Auto aim & bot-uses-cannon-thing-missile were stole- I mean borrowed from winterro's USS Langley. This is a test/demo footage of the buoyancy based ship combat concept.

    Pinned 1.7 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Use as in, use it in/as a basis for your build (& upload)? If you have the link to it, you can use it:)
    Just give me the credit for the part I made.
    If you don't have the link I'll upload the thing later (not sure if I can immediately)

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Kendog84 hey mate, can i use your police barricade? They look cool, and i do want to use it.

    1.5 years ago
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    28.2k blt

    @Kendog84 AI PT torpedo boat.

    1.7 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    multiple parts damaged

    1.7 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    YT description coppypasta
    You hear those peashooters?

    Yeah, those.
    They are supposed to be 12cm guns.

    Here I present you (probably not) the first ever recorded Naval battle in SimplePlanes history against an AI ship (=player built aircraft).

    I'm doing these mock battles (in fact just started doing it) to see the problems and "bugs" that I have to squish.
    Need for some kinda horizontal stabilizer for one thing. Ship rolls left to right when hit (yes, those peashooters do have a lot of impact force), and that really messes with the aim. I don't want to watch them shoot each other for 10 hours before one come out on top. And you don't either, do you?

    We need to
    -Shorten battle time (ie we need them to sink faster).
    I have some possible solutions, but they all come with a downside.
    1) lower hull HP
    --ship becomes vulnerable to other kinds of attack, such as torpedo. And I wanna implement torps)

    2) increase cannon (impact) damage
    --giving more energy to the shell will make the roll much much worse. This will also make them physically push the ships, which looks (looked, I tested) really weird and unrealistic. If you increase ship's mass to counter this, it then messes up rotators, and turrets will become really wobbly.

    4)Add a tiny bit of explosion damage
    --No. explosion is weird and can't be controlled unlike impact damage.

    5)Increase rate of fire

    6)Fight closer to each other
    --Also viable.

    Combination of "lower HP" "Higher ROF" and "Closer shooting distance" may be the way to go. At least these are the ones I like.

    -Buoyancy based damage model ship
    -Auto aim for the guns
    -Bot Activator Missile (AI airplanes start using guns once they fire or run out of missile)
    -Some love (aka blood and guts and other gross stuff we convince ourselves that we have nothing to do wi-)

    +3 1.7 years ago