to simplify, if you have an overscaled replica aircraft, just multiply the real life length and your current build length
(ex: 15 ÷ 19, 15 = rl length, 19 = replica length)
@ZerkkOtakuGuy this is actually why MAPA left in the first place (they came back, still though). People make planes that aren't 1:1 scale. I do feel like a bit of a hypocrite though, because I criticise FlyOut.
to simplify, if you have an overscaled replica aircraft, just multiply the real life length and your current build length
(ex: 15 ÷ 19, 15 = rl length, 19 = replica length)
This video was inspired from this
So i try using my ishh mathematics things by this
And yes this da result.
@ZerkkOtakuGuy this is actually why MAPA left in the first place (they came back, still though). People make planes that aren't 1:1 scale. I do feel like a bit of a hypocrite though, because I criticise FlyOut.
Tutorial plane loksmaxxing
Ah yes, the bane of my existence
It's working I didn't expect that is even possible
I've never knew that was possible, tysm
@MAPA :)