@LoganTheGameDev (Sorry for the long a*s comment) so it's like, why does a person just joined simple plane can gain lots of attention and stuff. Like others people hard work doesn't get paid off equally, I seen some dude in the comments, doing fine builds, for years to get silver, that's why I think that plane is equivalent to modern art "Comedian" by Maurizio Cattelan
@LoganTheGameDev yo dude I can't believe this got only a little attention, :(
@Miguel69 aaaa that makes sense
@LoganTheGameDev (Sorry for the long a*s comment) so it's like, why does a person just joined simple plane can gain lots of attention and stuff. Like others people hard work doesn't get paid off equally, I seen some dude in the comments, doing fine builds, for years to get silver, that's why I think that plane is equivalent to modern art "Comedian" by Maurizio Cattelan
I made the armed variant oriented toward counter-insurgency missions,while improving overall stability and maneuverability.
Also fyi,she released the remastered version of the plane. :))
flies about as good as my older planes from when I was new
@Miguel69 ok then what
@LoganTheGameDev well i mean its not the main problem
@LoganTheGameDev this is not the problem
@Miguel69 it's his first plane obviously it's going to have some issues
I don't care what you think. You won’t change my view.