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Sub-assembly with no name?

13.1k f80shootingstarlover  one month ago
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    It's only been less than a minute and there's already 3 upvotes! Thanks!

    Pinned one month ago
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    Tag Group 1:

    Pinned one month ago
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    75.2k MrCOPTY

    I have tons of random named "dhfjdmnshshc" sub-assemblies (and somehow ik everyone)

    +1 one month ago
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    2,636 Solent19

    I have about 10 of these and I'm too scared to delete any of them, as they might be something important...

    one month ago
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    5,542 FartResidue

    I found an old subassembly I named “Blingus” and it was just an entire plane lol

    +1 one month ago
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    2,176 Sarp17


    +1 one month ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    I have 6 subassemblies named the same thing and with the same functions cause my brain is just THAT retarded when it comes to remembering stuff

    +3 one month ago
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    34.5k Marulk

    Sometimes that thing happens when my keyboard delays lol

    one month ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @Eagleman010 XD

    one month ago
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    I have a subassembly for a fuselage block called (Theendoftheworld29uendishjshdkdodjdjdjdjnd) It took me a minute to get the name right

    one month ago
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    @TheMouse I thought it only worked with only current usernames

    one month ago
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    @SamTheUncle I have atleast 100 sub-assemblies and yet I don't use most of them

    one month ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    I am TheMouse

    +2 one month ago
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    @SamTheUncle I just posted this and now you already upvoted it? You're as fast as lightning!

    +2 one month ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    I literally have like 20 sub assemblies all named “Bob”
    I am not insane.

    +3 one month ago