@LunarEclipseSP After some testing in-game, unfortunately I did not find any answer for your question. But I found something that still within the FineTuner scale tool. If you scale up part and the drag is still on and the Calculated Mass box is uncheck, it will resulted on a buggier part when playing. The part will shake and making the speedometer reading 4000km/h. But when the Calculated Mass box is checked with the drag still calculated, it will make the part behaving just fine and just feels heavier. My guess is there is some kinda dampening of physics when the part is heavier. When the drag is disabled however its kinda behaving the same. Its not clear if that's affect the performance or not.
Sorry if that's not the answer that you're looking for.
@DDVC because you know, I build ships, and i rescaled my ships as well with fine tuner, but although i have the drags all disabled, it still affecting the performance and still freeze the game for a time. But if we checked the "Calculate Mass" box, would it actually not making the game freeze at all? I really need an enlightment
@LunarEclipseSP The drag calculation for all part is already disabled, so its not affecting performance so much than the big mesh itself. It also run in my Android so I think it will work on any devices.
With "Calculate Mass" actived, would it be affected the drag and our device performance or no? Because how fine tuner works is: The bigger the scale is, it would freeze your entire game and make it unplayable.
@BARREND Low, but I don't think it will cause any problem with all physics settings. Is the wheel clip into the circuit?
@DDVC what physics mode do you use?
@Rb2h hmm, if so I don't exactly know what happen. Disabeling drag usually stop it from crash
@DDVC still crashes lol
@DDVC not a problem
@LunarEclipseSP After some testing in-game, unfortunately I did not find any answer for your question. But I found something that still within the FineTuner scale tool. If you scale up part and the drag is still on and the Calculated Mass box is uncheck, it will resulted on a buggier part when playing. The part will shake and making the speedometer reading 4000km/h. But when the Calculated Mass box is checked with the drag still calculated, it will make the part behaving just fine and just feels heavier. My guess is there is some kinda dampening of physics when the part is heavier. When the drag is disabled however its kinda behaving the same. Its not clear if that's affect the performance or not.
Sorry if that's not the answer that you're looking for.
@LunarEclipseSP I'll look into it, I will tell you if I found something
@DDVC because you know, I build ships, and i rescaled my ships as well with fine tuner, but although i have the drags all disabled, it still affecting the performance and still freeze the game for a time. But if we checked the "Calculate Mass" box, would it actually not making the game freeze at all? I really need an enlightment
@LunarEclipseSP The drag calculation for all part is already disabled, so its not affecting performance so much than the big mesh itself. It also run in my Android so I think it will work on any devices.
With "Calculate Mass" actived, would it be affected the drag and our device performance or no? Because how fine tuner works is: The bigger the scale is, it would freeze your entire game and make it unplayable.
@LockheedAviation Hope you like it!
Btw i'll use your 1995 Ferrari 412 F1 here :D
Thanks bro! I could finally turn Simpleplanes into a Formula 1 Game
@126 you're welcome.
tank u