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Lauser - A1 "Pondskater"

165 Lauser  3 months ago


Created by the Lauser company in 1932 as an experimental private venture, the A1 Seaplane was designed as a single - seat multirole plane designed to be small enough for usage on battleships and carriers, where its aforementioned small size means multiple can be carried without the need of folding wings. Its main functions are aerial defensive combat (which it is suprisingly proficient at), light ground / sea attacks (it is excellent for attacking shipping and shore installations), air - sea rescue (not shown due to the 150 KG bombload displayed, but supplies and a life raft may be used on the carriage rack alternatively), and aerial reconnaissance and spotting (using the underslung camera pod and flare launcher). While an effective and promising design, it's nature as a "pursuit scout" meant that it was unable to accommodate an observer or rear gunner to save weight.

Powerplant: 905 HP 9 cylinder radial
Armament: Built in = 2x 7.7mm browning MGs, Equippable = 150 KG of equipment / ordanance.
Fuel: 135 L


If using water spawn, a bug causes the craft to flip backwards - respawning by selecting the location again and spawning this way will guarantee a smooth start


AG1 - Marker light
AG2 - Enable flare launcher
AG3 - Enable weapons
AG4 - Drop carriage rack



General Characteristics


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.112
  • Wing Loading 15.9lbs/ft2 (77.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 502.9ft2 (46.7m2)
  • Drag Points 4187


  • Number of Parts 134
  • Control Surfaces 11
  • Performance Cost 511
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    9,314 Kenzar

    Looks: 15/20
    Functionality: 10/20
    Realism: 15/20
    Detail: 8/10
    Flight: 4/10
    Interesting: 0
    Do I like it: 10
    Final: 62/100

    3 months ago
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    @Lauser usually the default scale is good, but if you use the mirror item tool and change the gauges, but I would look up cockpits from the era you’re trying to replicate and see what gauges are located where, but you could experiment too, have fun with it

    3 months ago
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    165 Lauser

    @SchadeAircaftCompany I've tried that by my main issues are always scaling and avoiding the mirror tool since it always stops me making anything useable

    3 months ago
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    @Lauser I just started with using a hollow fuselage and open it on top and put a basic or modern cockpit as necessary and building the cockpit from there, after doing that a few times then can start making your own cockpits, just takes practice

    3 months ago
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    165 Lauser

    @SchadeAircaftCompany well I guess I'll give it another go sometime

    3 months ago
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    @Lauser oh I’m mobile based too haha, I sucked at first too but after getting a hang of it you start to really get into it, making wackier and crazier things

    3 months ago
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    165 Lauser

    @SchadeAircaftCompany thanks! I did have a test version with a cockpit but being mobile based and honestly kinda sucking at cockpit creation I went ahead with a simpler option

    3 months ago
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    I like the colors and cool details, especially the exhaust and the unique wing design, guess really the only way to improve it is by having a VR capable cockpit honestly, but it’s fun to fly

    3 months ago