Cirrus SR22 (Red)
7,153 PIaneMan
3.4 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 33.6ft (10.2m)
- Length 26.3ft (8.0m)
- Height 10.1ft (3.1m)
- Empty Weight 3,814lbs (1,730kg)
- Loaded Weight 4,534lbs (2,056kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.22
- Wing Loading 36.2lbs/ft2 (176.9kg/m2)
- Wing Area 125.1ft2 (11.6m2)
- Drag Points 4825
- Number of Parts 38
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 205
Landing this aircraft is a bit tricky but once you get the hang of it, it’s really fun, so here is how to land it
- Come in at 65% throttle
- stay at 65% until the back two wheels touch the ground
- when the back two wheels hit the ground lower the throttle to 2%
- wait for the speed to get to, at most 30mph then feather the breaks till the aircraft comes to a complete stop.