Dawala class Submarine
Simple Submarine
kapal selam ini dirancang pada tahun 1948 dalam proyek "new star submarine" yaitu proyek mengganti armada kapal selam lama dengan kapal selam baru yang lebih modern, dan ada 2 kapal selam yang ikut bersaing yaitu kapal selam KS-19 Tecth shark dan KS Dawala class dan pada tahun 1950 kedua kapal selam ini dibangun.
pada 1952 kedua kapal selam ini selesai dibangun, 3 bulan setelah peluncuran kedua kapal selam ini pun diuji coba dan di tes, di tes tersebut kapal Dawala class lebih unggul dari rivalnya KS-19.
Sehingga dawala class lah yang terpilih untuk diproduksi massal.
sejak 1953-1972 kapal ini diproduksi sebanyak 11 unit.
namun dibalik keunggulan kapal ini memiliki biaya produksi yang cukup mahal yang mana biaya produksi 1 unit dawala class setara dengan biaya produksi 3 pakubuwana class, selain itu waktu produksi dari kapal ini juga cukup lambat karna konstruksinya yang sangat kompleks dan butuh banyak insinyur ahli untuk membangun kapal ini.
dengan biaya operasional dan perawatan yang sangat mahal menjadikan kapal selam ini cukup jarang digunakan untuk misi biasa dan hanya dikirim untuk misi khusus saja sehingga kapal selam ini lebih sering berada di pelabuhan daripada dikirim ke Medan tempur.
This submarine was designed in 1948 in the "new star submarine" project, which is a project to replace the old submarine fleet with new, more modern submarines, and there are 2 competing submarines, namely the KS-19 Tecth Shark and KS Dawala class and in 1950 these two submarines were built.
in 1952 these two submarines were completed, 3 months after the launch of these two submarines were tested and tested, in these tests the Dawala class ship was superior to its rival KS-19.
So that the Dawala class was chosen for mass production.
from 1953-1972 this ship was produced as many as 11 units.
but behind the advantages of this ship has a production cost that is quite expensive where the production cost of 1 unit of dawala class is equivalent to the production cost of 3 kukubuwana class, besides that the production time of this ship is also quite slow because the construction is very complex and it takes a lot of expert engineers to build the ship this.
with very expensive operational and maintenance costs, making this submarine quite rarely used for ordinary missions and only sent for special missions so that this submarine is more often in port than sent to the battlefield.
speed on the surface of the water reaches22-24 knots
The speed in the water reaches 12-14 knots
4 torpedoes as main weapons
VTOL 100 To dive
VTOL -100 To surface
AG1: Activate torpedo
AG2: Activate Periscope
AG3: Activate surface radar
honorable mention
Note: donlot doang upvote kaga
- Varrell007 2.2 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 28.7ft (8.7m)
- Length 312.0ft (95.1m)
- Height 45.6ft (13.9m)
- Empty Weight N/A
- Loaded Weight 158,916lbs (72,083kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 85.216
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.003
- Wing Loading N/A
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 56966
- Number of Parts 340
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 1,205
bro got a sussy profile pict 💀🤨📸📸📸📸📸📸📸📸📸🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
anyway nice build, and dont change your pp lul