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This Stupid Idiot

29.1k Graingy  7 days ago

Stupid Moron

From This Stupid


General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +42 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 10.3ft (3.2m)
  • Length 4.2ft (1.3m)
  • Height 13.5ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight 1,100lbs (499kg)
  • Loaded Weight 1,100lbs (499kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 3626


  • Number of Parts 18
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 47
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    29.1k Graingy

    Ooh right I forgot to mention he spin

    Pinned 7 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    Legal statement:
    I do not affiliate with nor condone the uncomfortable number of "weird" (to use a site-friendly word) furries and other in the community of the literary item in question. They were attracted as an unfortunate consequence rather than deliberate pandering by the author.
    Which is to say, I am not one of them, nor will I ever be one of them.
    The work itself is entirely SFW, sans genocide, mass murder, and industrialized consumption of people.
    Legal statement ended.

    Pinned 7 days ago
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    @Graingy oh yeah absolutely

    14 hours ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 Would you turn off the internet.

    16 hours ago
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    @Graingy context???

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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 Would you kill billions

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    @Graingy ???

  • Profile image
    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 Would you kill billions

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    @Graingy fr

  • Profile image
    29.1k Graingy


  • Profile image
    29.1k Graingy

    Some of it might make a bit more sense in context.

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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 It is hell.

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    @Graingy yep, and I probably shouldn't have been

    +1 2 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 Oh, you took a look?

    +1 3 days ago
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    @Graingy also, holy hell, you're right, the fanbase IS truly something else

    +1 3 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 okay I guess

    +1 3 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @TalonTheCRTguy idk

    3 days ago
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    @Graingy I'm really sorry for all that rambling, I don't even know what I was even trying to say in the first place before falling asleep lmao

    3 days ago
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    @Graingy depends is it that dry store bought cookie or the Walmart sample cookies? Or is it homebaked

    4 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 What?

    4 days ago
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    @Graingy also, can I call the police department? because i could've sworn I saw this freak going back and forth outside my home, don't know what his intentions were but I'm definitely sure it's nothing good.

    4 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @TalonTheCRTguy Sorta.
    You want a free cookie? 🍪

    4 days ago
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    Want a free crt

    5 days ago
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    29.1k Graingy

    @TheSPTuner Yes?

    5 days ago
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    3,033 TheSPTuner


    5 days ago
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