Seccna 125
45 VSK115theGreat
3.7 years ago
Polish Mock-Cessna 152
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 39.1ft (11.9m)
- Length 26.5ft (8.1m)
- Height 11.7ft (3.6m)
- Empty Weight 2,256lbs (1,023kg)
- Loaded Weight 3,386lbs (1,536kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.147
- Wing Loading 14.1lbs/ft2 (68.7kg/m2)
- Wing Area 240.8ft2 (22.4m2)
- Drag Points 2421
- Number of Parts 37
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 218
Yeah sorry I meant, that if i’d not wanted to leave it to peoples imagination as to what ”Seccna” stood for then I’d made a more detailed description of why that name isn’t actually real. I hope, that the name didn’t offend you in any way :)
I’m Polish and I didn’t know that
Yeah... That´s the joke - ”Seccna” is the polish name -you can see, thay it’s fictional
That’s not how you write Cessna