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First 100% Working Car Gen (2)

2,936 LiftedCars  7.8 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on LiftedCars's 100% working car without native engine.

CONTROLLS: Throttle = Throttle + Clutch, Roll = Steering, VTOL = Engage transmission drive gear, Trim = Move transmission drive gear. UPDATES: Suspension is now stiffer. Wheel axels no longer break through turns. Clutch is now variable and smoother for a better take off and shifting. Differential no longer has a difflock sadly but I majorly improved it. PLEASE upvote this and spotlight this work of engineering not because i want to be popular but so others can see this and make it their own and start a new genera of cars.


General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.743
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 48918


  • Number of Parts 1227
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 5,601
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    @LiftedCars Nice, also glad to see that you're Silver at least, you do good work.

    4.6 years ago
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    @LiftedCars ah if i still had a mobile device i would try but i stopped playing on mobile years ago

    4.6 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    @LiftedCars lmao I'm 3.2 years late but sure why not look at my new design.

    4.6 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf @Moronindustries Just made it possible after 3.2 years. It's able to run on mobile now. lmao

    4.6 years ago
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    Nice car, I make planes though, maybe I could make a plane to hold one of your cars? :) Sounds like a good idea to me, how about you?

    7.8 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    The engine poweres the clutch the clutch poweres a cv joint that powers a transmission the output of the transmission powers the differential drive great that powers the differential the differential splits the power to 2 wheels and lets them spin at different rates. The output from that goes into a cv joint that is inside the suspention the power from that is then transferred into one of the 2 rods. Look at my first car I didn't try to hide things and make it look clean. @KSPFSXandSP

    7.8 years ago
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    2,017 KSPFSXandSP

    @LiftedCars Sure, but how is the rod powering it? What is powering that rod in turn?

    7.8 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    Read what I said to the last guy and follow the power transfer it is very possible with a little imagination @Moronindustries

    7.8 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    there are 2 rods going to the wheel. One is stationery and the other is powering it. The stationary one holds the hinge and a rotator on the other end connecting to the wheel. The other rod is connected to the suspention cv joint. That has 2 hinges connecting the wheel to the cv joint. Those 2 hinges are what deliver the power while being bent. You can see what I'm talking about if you tear it apart. I promise this is 100% working. I use a XYZ coordinate mod so that is how I got the rods to be inside each other. That is how I also made it 4wd because I took the output from the transmission and put a rod on it and moved that rod to the back. That is why there is a random rod floating in the back driving the differential. Also the reason I put the 2 rods inside each other is because when the wheel turns it would have to stretch and compress the driving rod if it was not inide the stationary rod. I hope that helps and yes this is 100% working. I would not put 1220 parts into this thing an 2 months to make something fake. @KSPFSXandSP

    7.8 years ago
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    2,017 KSPFSXandSP

    How do the wheels turn?
    I see you've got lots of jet engines, but you indicate that it is driven by the wheels.....

    7.8 years ago
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    @LiftedCars I don't think it's possible

    7.8 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW


    7.8 years ago
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    2,936 LiftedCars

    Ya sry about that I try and try to reduce that so I can bring it to mobile but I just can seem to get it.

    7.8 years ago
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    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! 1227 parts! Such parts

    7.8 years ago