AG1-speed brake
AG2-Reverse thrust
AG3 Afterburner(Only suitable for supersonic passenger aircraft)
AG5-lower nose(Only suitable for supersonic passenger aircraft)
AG6 duck wing or variable sweep wing
AG7-cargo door
AG8 - Engine, navigation/taxi/beacon light
Deactivate 8 will cut power to all lights
Applicable to all aircraft qazedcujmyhn after 2024/6/2
@DJRianGamerYT hell naw💀
Is that a sper-
@TheMouse "All great things begin with the cockpit and a fuselage block.
The designer is our canvas,and the parts are our palette and brush."
This is the base of a mountain of creativity. This is the foundation of all of our hopes. This is the beginning of all of our successes and failures. And this is the rock upon which I shall build my plane.
It is quite fitting, therefore, that the moderators should remove this for being low effort.
amazing build, a lot of functionality and very stable