Hypnotoad was one of the original SimplePlanes visionaries that pushed the limit of possibilities. He had a unique style that blended geometric shapes into elegant flying machines. He was certainly an inspiration to me and I hope his work will inspire you as as well. Hypnotoad was very popular in the early days of SimplePlanes, but one day, without warning, he vanished. I dont know what became of my favorite SP Bro, but I do hope hes doing well.
If only he could see simpleplanes now @TMach5
@TMach5 no probs
👍 Thanks @recycledcake255
So he might see your work
I actually just went to that plane saluted him wished him well and gave him the link to this page
Its been a while since anyone has mentioned him, but he truly was a one-of-a-kind builder for doing what he was doing. I remember hearing something from somewhere that he had moved on and was busy but don't remember where and from who- this was a while back.
@TheMegaMauster hopefully they don't go reddit mod mode
@TMach5 when I saw this post I looked at some of his posts and your right they are good and fun to use
@TheMegaMauster Youre probably right. It wont be the first time I broke a rule.
I feel like the mods will remove this as its a memorial post, i really dont agree with that rule tho. @hypnotoad, salute.
@hypnotoad I Salute you.