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War Challenge United - Season 6 [Rise of Empires]

23.5k lewishasnoiq  4 months ago
Unlisted No Tags

Welcome To WCU S-5!

Year: 1935-1955


War Challenge United is a roleplay challenge involving players that choose to participate either as a country or a manufacturer. The aim of the challenge is to gain the most influence and rise to the top.

This time we're doing things a little differently. Veterans (players that have been participating since Season 0 - Beta/Season 1 - Red Storm Rising) are returning. Since there are also a lot of new players, they'll been placed on opposite sides of the map, giving the new players an opportunity to ready themselves before facing seasoned participants.

As usual, the majority of the challenge will take place on the WCU Discord Server. <<<< Click the blue text to join.

Challenge Systems ver. 3.0:


As a country, your main goal is to perform operations that will allow you to gain more power. You can choose to go solo or form an alliance (maximum of 2 players - Reduced from 6). You must either build or buy your units (vehicles, weapons, etc.) to use in your operations.

You can also choose to be a neutral country. This prevents other players from invading or attacking you, but also prevents you from doing the same to them. If you start as a neutral country, yes, you can choose to switch, however, you cannot switch back to being neutral after attacking another player.

Upon joining, you're allowed to register your country. This includes the name, manpower (active and reserve), ideology, and a flag for your country to identify with.

  • Countries may also choose to make their own vehicles and weapons.


The currency of the challenge is called World Currency or WC. WC is what you can use to perform different actions that would involve currency exchange, buying units, research, upgrading your units, or buying land.

Upon registering as a country and receiving your own channel, you start off with 6000 WC as your balance. Now you may be asking, "how can I earn more WC?". Well, you can earn WC through several methods:

  • Daily income (You earn 150 WC daily as base income regardless of chosen ideology)
  • Chosen ideology
  • Factories
  • Invading a player nation
  • Invading an AI nation
  • Selling units
  • Participating in limited time events


Factories and Reactors (These have been removed, please read more below)
"By that I mean you can't buy them. You start with them by default."

220 WC with Socialism
250 WC with Communism
210 WC with Nationalism
240 WC with Fascism
350 WC with Liberalism
750 WC with Capitalism
650 WC with Democracy

This is how much you earn depending on the modifier you chose. Your Base Income is 150 WC.
- Add whatever the modifier is. For example, if you chose Communism, you would add 250 WC to your 150 WC which equals 400 WC.

You will have 10 factories. Each one earns 200 WC. This means you will earn 2,000 WC with factories alone. Add that to your base income of 150 WC and your ideology modifier (in this case 250 with communism) and you will earn 2,400 WC.

You will have reactors. These earn you 250 WC. You will only have 4, so 250x4.

Simple process:

150 + Modifier + 2,000 + 1,000 = Your Total Income.

~ System designed by:

There are 7 current ideologies:

  • These will affect how much money you earn.

220 WC with Socialism
250 WC with Communism
210 WC with Nationalism
240 WC with Fascism
350 WC with Liberalism
750 WC with Capitalism
650 WC with Democracy


As a manufacturer, your job is to make the units that you or other players will use in the challenge. You can choose to make your own units as a country, or work for another player's country. Ultimately, you decide who can buy what you build.

Note: You must send your builds to the approval channel to have them validated for use. You may also patent your creations using the patent thread to prevent others from using the design without permission or purchasing the rights to manufacture a variant of it.


Production Cost for Manufacturers (and basically anyone who can sell stuff)

You can no longer sell units out of thin air. You must actually manufacture make them now.

  • Approval price is now the price for production.
  • When someone orders something from you, you now must produce it first then sell it. This means if you want profits, you have to raise the price a bit. The new price is the market price.
  • Manufacturers will now receive a starting balance of 1000 WC.

Say you have a jet named F-1, priced at 4 WC for 10. Country 'A' wants to buy 400 of them.
- You must now produce the 400 jets first, meaning subtract 160 WC from your balance.
- to gain profit, you make the market price 200 WC for Country 'A' to pay, meaning you get a 40 WC profit.

  • Essentially, to make money you must sell at a price higher than the assigned production cost.

~ System designed by:
DSTR Blitz

Current Map:

map update

This is the map for this season. As new players are added and territories expand, changes will be made to the map. This will be updated both here and on the (WCU Discord Server)[].

  • Upon registering your country, you'll be given an available spot on the map. This will be chosen by a Challenge Updater; You may not choose your own location. You will receive a 3-day grace period, preventing other players from attacking you. If you're entirely new to WCU, you can request an extended 1-week grace period by mentioning one of the Challenge Updaters on the discord server.

State Coring:

When conquering a state, the state will have the status occupied, which results in higher resistance and possibility of partisans.
To turn an occupied state into the status of core state, nations will have to spend a minimum of 2.000 WC and 25.000 troops depending on the size of state. The money and troops will be deducted from the nation.

A core state will have no rebellion. An occupied state will have possibility of partisans and rebellions that could happen if not handled fast enough in the ?global reports channel.

  • This is for players to know how much money and soldiers are enough to integrate a conquered state into their nation.

~ System designed by:
DSTR Blitz

PVP System:


The basic PVP system is cause-and-effect. Both sides of the conflict will determine their actions first, then a challenge updater will determine whether or not one's attack is successful or not. Aside from that, map terrain will also affect one's attack.
In some cases, players may engage in RTS (Real time strategy) operations.

  • These are quick time events and both players must be present at the time of declaration for it to take place. Each player will be given 8 minutes to write their response, and a challenge updater (PVP Updater in this case) will determine the results of each response in real time.

RPer 1: [Nation #1] orders an attack in the southeastern front of the battlefield forming a flanking maneuver on the enemy.

Challenge Updater/Mediator: [Nation #1] has successfully flanked the enemy lines with the cost of high casualties. How will [Nation #2] respond?

RPer 2: [Nation #2] Will order a counterattack in order to regain lost ground from [Nation #1]'s attack.

etc etc.

OfCourse, your operations will need to involve a little more strategy than just "form a defensive line and prevent enemy advance". You'll need to list your military units and include a clear plan/strategy. The better the planning, the more likely your operation is to be successful.


Defending is also quite similar to the attacks. This time however, the players are free to set up their defense wherever they like. Depending on the environment, defense effectiveness may change whether for good or for bad.

You're allowed to set up defenses prior to any PVP/PVE engagement, such as an armored line, a no-fly zone, established air defense systems and patrols.


The Reputation system is simple, AI nations beside you will think differently about you depending on your actions. So if you invade a nation, AI nations will think negatively of you and will start to distance themselves from you and will most likely reject treaties or other proposals. On the other hand, being friendly towards them would most likely give you an economic boost allowing you to gain more income.
- Depending on your diplomacy, you may be able to convince an AI to accept your proposal.

Time Frame Update

This season the year changes every Saturday and Wednesday. As with previous seasons important events like WW1, WW2, the Cold War, things would slow down. But in times where nothing really happened, 1920s to 30s the time would move twice as fast.


1910-1920 1.5 Weeks
1920-1930s 1 Week
1930s-40s 1.5 Weeks


RP Rules 1.0

1: Metagaming:

  • According to Wikipedia "Metagaming can refer to aspects of play that occur outside of a given game's fictional universe. In particular, metagaming often refers to having an in-game character act on knowledge that the player has access to, but the character should not." By violating this rule, you get your leader executed - Meaning you'll forfeit your country, and it will return to being AI controlled. Additionally, depending on the severity, you may not be allowed to re-register or join the following season. This also applies to higher-ups, and their RP related roles will be revoked.

2: Revenge Killing:

  • If your first nation is taken out, you can still go back and re-register. However, should you choose to attack the player that you lost to again, you get revoked of the benefit of having 1 or more nations permanently. This rule does not apply after 1 week of spawning a new nation in.

3: Spawn Killing:

  • In order to stop this from occurring, new nations are to have a 3-day grace period as previously mentioned, wherein they can prepare their things for the challenge. Should a player attempt to attack a player during their grace period, their units involved in the operation are to be all wiped and are to be deleted entirely, although losing such units will still cause their debuffs (such as decreased morale or destabilization). No refunds will occur should you attempt this.

4: No God-modding

According to Urban Dictionary, God-modding is basically "when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try". This includes the act of taking control of a country on the map without any permission.
If you are caught God-modding, any action that was done by you will be reverted. This includes income (excludes daily) war income, wars, and buying units. You will also be kicked out of the Season, and potentially may not be able to join the next.

4: Don't Be Too Edgy

I get some of you like to be fascist governments, but don't go too wild. Let's not be a Nazi server.

If you have any questions or concerns list them in the comments below or mention one of the staff members on the WCU Discord Server.

Thanks for participating. Have fun!

1st Place: 15 Upvotes
2nd Place 10 Upvotes
3rd place: 5 Upvotes

Additional info:

All builds uploaded to the challenge and are a successor of this post will receive at least 1 upvote. I will personally check through and upvote your builds.

If you would like to simply join as a spectator, you can.

Approved vehicles/weapons price list:

Note: Vehicles will be evaluated and their cost increased or decreased based on their abilities.

1,000x Infantry = 1 WC
160-80x Towed Artillery = 1 WC
80-10x Light Tanks = 1 WC
50-10x Medium Tanks = 2 WC
20-10x Heavy Tanks = 3WC
35-20x Tank Destroyers = 1 WC
5-10x Land Ships = 4 WC
80-40x APC = 1 WC
1,000x Trucks = 1 WC
50x Trains = 1 WC
25x Armored Trains = 1 WC
100-10x Armored Car = 1 WC
20-5x SPG = 1 WC
40-10x Mortar Carrier = 1 WC
40-5x Wheeled SPG = 1 WC
20-10x SPAAG = 1 WC
80-20x Assault Gun = 1 WC
10-1x MLRS = 1 WC
100-10x AA Gun Sites = 2 WC
20-10x Engineering Vehicle = 1 WC
80-10x ARV = 1 WC
40-10x AVLB = 1 WC

Special - cost will be determined by manually

10x Interceptor = 2-5 WC
10x Fighter = 1-3 WC
10x Attacker = 1-2 WC
10x Bomber = 3-6 WC
10x Transport Plane = 2-6 WC
10x Liaison aircraft = 1 WC
10x Maritime patrol aircraft = 1-4 WC
10x Recon Aircraft = 2-4 WC

Special - cost will be determined by manually

1x Corvette = 4-10WC
1x Frigates = 10-18 WC
1x Destroyers = 10-20 WC
1x Light Cruisers = 30-55 WC
1x Heavy Cruiser = 55-80 WC
1x Battlecruiser = 80-100 WC
1x Battleship = 100-1000

Carrier conversions will be priced manually

1x Escort Carrier = 80-120 WC
1x Light Carrier = 140-220 WC
1x Fleet Carrier = 450-800 WC

10x Motor Torpedo Boats = 1 WC
1x Submarine = 20-100 WC
1x Troops Transport = 1 WC (Max Troops: 1000)
100x LCVP = 1 WC (Max Troops: 30)
1x Supply Ship = 10-20 WC
1x Repair Ship = 10 WC
1x Hospital Ship = 10 WC
1x Radar Station = 2 WC
1x Sonar Station = 2 WC

Special - cost will be determined by manually

Special thanks to:

@FlirBlitz - Owner

Members who helped with the screenshots for this season's banner:

General Characteristics

  • Successors 7 airplane(s) +698 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 1.6ft (0.5m)
  • Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Height 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Empty Weight 595lbs (270kg)
  • Loaded Weight 595lbs (270kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 385


  • Number of Parts 3
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 7
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  • Profile image
    27.5k Dragoranos

    POST IT.

    3 months ago
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    Capitalism United

    4 months ago
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    30.5k SPairforce

    And so it begins.
    The fun, the competition, the drama, the stupidity, it all begins.

    4 months ago
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    7,928 TASTEinc

    @PIbex yeah got a problem with that

    4 months ago
  • Profile image
    3,561 PIbex

    Bruh the brainrot came here too

    4 months ago
  • Profile image
    23.5k lewishasnoiq

    @FlirBlitz on god they truly are skibidi people with no rizz and gyatt fr fr

    +3 4 months ago
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    I woke up in a new bugatti

    4 months ago
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    17.6k FlirBlitz

    I swear half the people here are senile and it drives me crazy

    +1 4 months ago

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