Dispenses 5 ultra-bright flare shells visible from a far distance.
How to use:
AG 1 to activate
TRIM to Left/Right
VTOL to Up/Down
Launch Weapon(Rocket)
Ultra-Bright Flare Shells - Used for signalling
Rotary Platform - For targeting purposes
- Flares are synced from the activation.
- Platform can rotate at 180°
- Vertical adjustments can reach 90°
- There are no cameras on the turret
Ship seen is from @Daxi
Build was suggested by @503rdAirborneSoldier
Which he stated that I make a
"Light Flare (Burst of lights from a single spot)"
And so this is what I came up with.
Hope you like it and have fun.
More request coming right up.
It just goes under the ground for me
@Purplegress have you followed.the instructions?
@EliteArsenals24 The flares don’t fire even when activated.
@Purplegress what kind?
I’m having trouble using?
Your creation is BLAZING
blazes like the sun!
@503rdAirborneSoldier :)
@Chancey21 Oh. I might do so in my next builds. Sorry for the inconvenience.
an unlisted I can download and immediately use @EliteArsenals24
@Sheeper That's alright :)
@HatakeKakashi I used rockets to propel the engines.
@AWESOMENESS360 I would try to make that :)
What do you mean by demo? @Chancey21
OH sorry, @EliteArsenals24 I looked at your account before commenting but I didn't see them. I feel dumb now lol
@EliteArsenals24 Would you be able to create a firework that actually explodes out colors? (Like, you could use beacon lights for the colors, and some how make the rocket explode mid-air or something.)
@Sheeper I have kindly check my account :)
Hey dude, have you tried making remote explosives? Like you drop a few of them then they all blow up when you hit an action group.
I tried modding engine exhaust and then attaching it to modded detachers. My model worked. What did you use to make the flares?
Please provide a demo we can download and try