Robco YesMan Securitron (Victor)
info on Victor
Victor is a Securitron encountered in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.
This was built in 2 days, Controls are basic with Pitch on forwards and backwards and Yaw For left and right, There is also a face selector on the top of the Unit to switch to different faces
@Kangy nice
Recently started playing fallout after remembering my dad playing it, then found out about the show and watched it, can’t wait for S2!
Big iron on his hip!
Howdy, pardner!
Does he have a “big iron on his hip”
"Patrolling in mojave dessert make you wish for a nuclear winter"
@Rjenteissussy ''I just want to start a flame in your heart''
"I don't want to set the world on fire"