The RP-3 (from Rocket Projectile 3 inch) was a British rocket projectile used during and after the Second World War. Though primarily an air-to-ground weapon, it saw limited use in other roles. Its 60 lb (27 kg ) warhead gave rise to the alternative name of the "60 lb rocket"; the 25 lb (11.3 kg) solid-shot armour-piercing variant was referred to as the "25 lb rocket". They were generally used by British fighter-bomber aircraft against targets such as tanks, trains, motor transport and buildings, and by Coastal Command and Royal Navy aircraft against U-boats and shipping. The "3 inch" designation referred to the diameter of the rocket motor tube.
Hello guys, I'm finally alive again.
I found the lack of RP-3's on this site disturbing and made one for the RAF fans out here. I made it to scale, so it should fit well (probably...) on scale-made British Aircraft. This variant is the SAP/HE 60lb warhead variant. Take the cockpit off and drag it as an subassembly. When shooting these try not to change your angle of attack, the rockets have to slide off the rails, and rapid course adjustments will throw the rockets off course.
Maybe add "parts" tag, so people looking for custom weapons can find it?