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8,017 TheNewSPplayer  4 months ago

This challenge porpose is to make a fighter that can be operated by AI

You can choose every fighter from all time that aviation exists but there are some things you should respect


Dont copy other peoples builds, or It will be disqualified


If your build dont function or exced the limit you will be disqualified


Dont make egg planes or things that violate the rules of this site

Your fighter can be real of fictional

The Award is:

10 Upvotes 1°place
5 Upvotes 2°place
2 Upvotes 3°place

Note: limite of three entries and every build will receice one Upvote

CLOSED - 30/6/2024


General Characteristics

  • Successors 12 airplane(s) +1638 bonus
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 1.6ft (0.5m)
  • Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Height 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Empty Weight 595lbs (270kg)
  • Loaded Weight 595lbs (270kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 385


  • Number of Parts 3
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 7
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    This is the worst intro I've made

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    @MAPA @Apollo018362 @WinsWings

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    @VarisOnAviation yeah

    2 months ago
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    I guess the challenge is closed

    2 months ago
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    26.4k IQinventory

    @TheNewSPplayer sure if i had time.
    im kinda really busy.

    3 months ago
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    @IQinventory do you want to create more?

    3 months ago
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    @IQinventory one month💀

    +1 3 months ago
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    26.4k IQinventory

    Dude i could do so much with this . challenge . how much time do we have left?

    3 months ago
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    @TheNewSPplayer I deleted..... I got the challenge called the futuristic propeller plane, my rule is worst my design is worst and my intro is danm hell worst 💀

    3 months ago
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    @VarisOnAviation show me

    3 months ago
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    @TheNewSPplayer Bro dont Worry...... I've get the worst one 💀

    3 months ago
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    1,716 Dest20345

    @TheNewSPplayer yay

    3 months ago
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    @Dest20345 like i said to shebke, yes

    3 months ago
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    1,716 Dest20345

    @TheNewSPplayer can I post a old aircraft but it a modified one

    3 months ago
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    @Shebke you are encouraged making a new plane but if you transfom it correctly, yes you can!

    3 months ago
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    3,480 Shebke

    Can I use my previous creation and simplify it to fit this challenge?

    3 months ago
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    14.7k dekanii

    @TheNewSPplayer congratulation youre did it 😀

    4 months ago
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    @Alternation thanks,


    4 months ago
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    14.7k dekanii

    ay nice you reached Gold

    4 months ago
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    @LobsterBisque128 search for egg planes and you will discover, you can use everything, Just need to be AI compatible

    4 months ago
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    1,355 Kestrel990

    What do you mean egg planes
    And is overload allowed

    4 months ago
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    14.7k dekanii

    @TheNewSPplayer No? Alright

    4 months ago
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    26.4k IQinventory

    @TheNewSPplayer i have no idea waht you are looking for but here you go :SU-17 FITTER

    +1 4 months ago
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    @Alternation AI is better and exist for more time

    4 months ago
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    @Alternation some of them can spawn but the consept of PEA (my opinion) is being capable of runing on low quality devices

    4 months ago
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