Plz help
0 Dynamicx
8.7 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 34.2ft (10.4m)
- Length 17.9ft (5.5m)
- Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
- Empty Weight 5,996lbs (2,720kg)
- Loaded Weight 7,038lbs (3,192kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.426
- Wing Loading 77.5lbs/ft2 (378.4kg/m2)
- Wing Area 90.8ft2 (8.4m2)
- Drag Points 4305
- Number of Parts 49
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 380
If the plane starts with the engines facing up and put the front engine on a activation group