USED FOR DESC EDITING, Thanks you for understanding me
So, i have projects in mind,
Most important are 20/21/All After 33
Multiple ones
P1- CAM RS-1 'SharpEye'
Stealth Recon
P2- CAM RCSA/F-21 ''HellFire II''
Supersonic Attack/Fighter Drone
P3- CAM SSHB-2 ''Above All''
Supersonic heavy Bomber
P4- CAM VLRA/B-1 'Hopping Snake'
VTOL Long range Attack/Bomber
P5- CAM RCHXB-9 ''Grand Bomber'' RC Heavy Xperimental Bomber
P6- CAM F/ABp-7 'Seagull' F/A Biplane
P7- CAM RCHMW/O-1 'ComboBreaker'
P8- CA/NV SHPB-1 'Silent Death' Stealth Hydroplane, Bomber
P9- CAC HC/A-963 'Hawk' Heavy Cargo/Airliner
P10- CGM LTD-11
Tank Destroyer
P11- CGM W/O XEL+V-7 'Explosive Hummer'
X Boom Launcher
P12- CAC SHC-7 'Albatross'
SH Cargo
P13- CAM HC-1 'Minautor'
Heli Cargo
P14- CAM HRC-8 'Pigeon'
Heavy Recon
P15- CAM HAA-19 'Giant'
P16- CAM HG-1 'Flyer'
P17- CAM AH-1 'Falcon'
P18- CAC USBP-7 'Gull'
Ultra STOL Bush plane
P19- CAC HRCC-1 'Sky Master'
Heavy Recon/Cargo
P20- CAC W/O XHACS-1 'Experimental High Altitude Control System'
P21- CAC W/O LHES-1 'Light Hover Engine+Stabilisation System'
P22- CAC R-1 'Bush'
P23- CAC RA-7 'IG'
P24- CAC AI-1 'Branch'
P25- CAC HC/Tr-1 'Reach'
P26- CGM SRCATAAV-1 'Namer'
Stealth RC Attack AA Vehicle
P27- CGM RCE-1 'Lucky Number'
RC Boom
P28- CGM LHT-1 'Ground Flyer'
Long Heavy Transport
P29- CGC RDV-1 'Hound'
P30- CNM UBS-1 'Jet tier'
Unmanned BattleShip
P31- CNM RCAC/B-1 'Shark'
RC Aircraft Carrier/BattleShip
P32- CAM ''Main Attack Rocket System transport'' ''M.A.R.S Transport'' 'Uranium Heavy Cargo'
P32- CAM XHASP-1 'Rocket Plane'
Heavy Attack Space plane
P33- CAM HT/C-31 'GlobeMaster II'
Heavy Cargo
P34- CAM ''Swarm Heavy Attack Aerial Missle System'' S.H.A.A.M System
P35- CAM ''High Explosive Long Attack System ''L.L.R.D.X.R Transporter'' H.E.L.A.S LLRDXR Transport Missle
P36- CAC/M ''Light Long Range Detecting Experimental Radar System'' ''L.L.R.D.X.R System''
P37- CAM ''Heavy High Speed Experimental Layered Nuclear Missle'' H.H.S.E.L.N Missle
P38- CAM HC-72 'Thunderbolt' ''H.H.S.E.L.N Missle Transporter''
P39- CAM 'Heavy Long Range Ramming Missle' H.L.L.R Missle
With Thunderbolt Cargo
P40- CAM ''Remote Controlled Explosive Aerial Short Range Vehicle'' Or R.C.E.A.S.R.V
P41- CAM W/O Avionic Mk1
P42- CGM 'Heavy Adaptable Grenade Launcher Platform' or H.A.G.L.P Project
P43- CNM 'Submerged High Alt Nuclear Missle Undetectable Platform' Or S.H.A.N.M.U.P Project
P44- CGM 'Long Range Precision Explosive Vehicle Launcher' Or L.R.P.E.V.L Project
P45- CAM 'Joint Air Stealth Missle' Or Project J.A.S.M Carried by special Cargo
P46- CAM 'Cargo of Mass Explosive Transport Missle' or C.M.E.T.M Or the C.O.M.E.T Missle
P47- CAM 'Light Gliding Bomb Holding System' Or L.G.B.H System
P48- CAM 'Spying Light Attention Machine' Or S.L.A.M
Using P49-
P49- CAM 'High Precision Transmission System' Or H.P.T System
P50- CAM 'Light Water Explosive Contact Lock-On Missle' Or L.W.E.C.L.O.M System
P51- CAM LF-9 'Mustang II' Equipped with the Explosive 'Floating Aerial InterContinental Transport' Or -Explosive 'F.A.I.T' Missle
P52- CAM 'Small Heavy High Explosive Cannon' Or 'S.H.H.E Cannon'
P53- CAM 'Long Attack Range High Altitude Missle Launcher Heavy Transport Rocket' Or the L.A.R.H.A.M.L.H.T Rocket.
P54- CAM 'Heavy High Alt Nuclear Missle Launcher Platform' Mk1 :Neutrino Or H.H.A.N.M.L.P Mk1
P55- H.H.A.N.M.L.P MK2 'Proton' Using Now Adapted New Things
P56- CAM 'Joint Air Stealth Missle Flying Launcher Missle' Or J.A.S.M.F.L Missle
P57- CAM 'Ground Attack Self Destructing Dive Bomb' Or G.A.S.D.D Bomb
P58- CAC 'Air Drop Stabilised Camera Cannon' Or A.D.S.C Cannon
P59- CGM 'Terrestrial Hidden Highly Night Specialised Destructive Explosive Rack' Or T.H.H.N.S.D.E Rack
P60- CGM 'Breaking Object with Multiple B.H.P Explosive Rack Ground or Droppable'
P61- CAM 'Bomb Heavy Precision Remote Guided Heavy Explosive Experimental Air Dropped Explosive Box
Or B.H.P.R.G.H.E.E.A.D.E Box
P62- CAM 'Advanced Destruction Vehicle, High Power Explosive, Compact Vehicle' or A.D.V.H.P.E.C Vehicle
P63- CGM 'Space Reacher Heavy High Speed Explosive Launcher Launcher' Or S.R.H.H.S.E.L Launcher
P64- CAM 'Swarm Heavy Attack Ranged Precision System'
Or S.H.A.R.D System
P65- CGM 'Heavy Adaptable Role Multi Barrelled, Light Powerful Explosive Carrier Shell Cannon' or H.A.R.M.B.L.P.E.C.S Cannon, Compacted as HARM B Cannon
P66- CNM 'Heavy Half Submerged External Explosive Carrier+Heavy Internal Explosive System' Or H.H.S.E.E.C+H.I.E.S
Most likely known as H.I.E System
P67- CNM 'Submerged Light High Altitude Long Range Mass Destruction Weapon, Powered Vehicle Launcher' Or S.L.H.A.L.R.M.D.W.P.V Or SLAM
P68- CAM 'Ultra Heavy Explosive Manned Vehicle Launcher with L.P.E.S System' or U.H.E.M.V.L
P69- CAM W/O 'Light Powered Ejection Seat System'
P70- CGM 'Quasi Invisible Light Platform Vehicle' or Q.I.L.P Vehicle
P71- CGM 'Small, Mounted on Multiple Points, Heavy Explosive Shell Launcher' Or S.M''.o''.M.P.H.E.S Launcher
P72- CAM 'Invisible Parachuted Weapon' or I.P.W
P73- CAM PB-8 'Bear'
P-74 CAM Front Swept Wing Fighter-1 'Obscur Day', Carrier of 'Heavy All Angle Lock-On Missle' or H.A.A.L.O Missle or HALO All simply
P75- CAM Joint Unmanned Plane 'Dark Star' Carrier of Two 'Long Attack Nuclear Missle' or 'L.A.N Missle'
P76- CAM UHeavy Long Range Bomber-1 'Sky Breaking' Carrier of 'Experimental Long Range High Altitude Heavy Power Gliding Bomb' or X.L.R.H.A.H.P Gliding Bomb
P77- CAM Heavy Cargo Destroyer-1 'Lonely Star' Carrier of 'Supersonic Attack Missle Carrying Vehicle' Or S.A.M.C Vehicle
P78- CGM Heavy Mobile Attack Craft -91 'Ground Breaking' Carrier of six 'Self Propelled Long Range Heavy Attack Shell' or S.P.L.R.H.A Shell
P79- CGM H Vehicle Launcher-1 'Ranged Attack' Carrier of 'Experimental Long Range Unmanned Unknown Aircraft' or E.L.R.U.U.A
P80- CAM H Cargo Aircraft-73 'Jupiter' Carrier of 'Triple barrelled Heavy Attack Minigun' or T.B.H.A.M and HALO Missle and LAN Missle
P81- CA/GM 'Carriable Long Range Heavy Powerd Unguided Explosive' or 'C.L.R.H.P.U Explosive
P82- CGM 'Truck Carried Heavy Missle Carrying Container' or T.C.H.M.C Container
P83- CAM 'Long Range Precision Parachuted Weapon' Or L.R.P.P Weapon
P84- CG/AM 'Ramp Launched Heavy Explosive' or R.L.H Explosive
P85- CNM 'Floating Launched Aiming Missle Launcher Ramp' or
F.L.A.M.L Ramp'
P86- CAC A-1 'Jumper'
P87- CAC A-1-J 'Echo II'
P88- CAC A-1-TJ 'Echo I'
P89- CAM 'Nucleus' Heavy Millitary Cargo, Carrier of one 'Experimental Bay Charged Dropping Brakes Powered Explosive'
Or X.B.C.D.B.P Explosive
P90- CAM 'Helium' Super Heavy Cargo, Carrier of One 'Super Heavy Nuclear Backwards Fired Missle' or S.H.N.B.F Missle
P91- CAM 'Proton' Light Cargo Carrier of One 'Light Parachuted Slamming Missle' or L.P.S Missle
P92- CGM Light Heavy Artillery Launcher-1 Carrier of Six 'Light Artillery Missle' Or L.A Missle
P93- CAM 'Electricity' Light Bomber' Carrier of 'Light Parachuted Explosive'' or L.P Explosive
P94- CAM 'Live' Spy Craft, Carrying Two 'Light Parachuted Spy Craft' Or L.P.S Craft And Two 'Light Launched Explosive' or L.L Explosive
P95- CAM 'Mustang' Super Heavy Bomber, Carrier of One 'Super Heavy Bay Transported Parachuted Nuclear Weapon' or S.H.B.T.P.N Weapon
P96- CAM 'Solid Metal' FSW Fighter Carrier of One 'Heavy Damage Attack Gun' or H.D.A Gun
P97- CAM 'Heavy Dropper' Cargo glider with One Tank
P98- CAM 'Terrained' Light Bomber, Carrier of 2 T1000 II Engines and 1 'Experimental Heavy Remote Controlled Explosion Bomb' or X.H.R.C.E Bomb
P99- CAM 'Platinium' Heavy Bomber, Carrying Six Modified T2000 Engine and One 'Remote Controlled Heavy Gliding Bomb' or R.C.H.G Bomb
P100- CAM 'Bloody' Medium Fighter, Equipped with 1 75mm Cannon, 6Mg, and 4 'Experimental Light Explosives' or X.L Explosives
P101- C..M 'AntiMatter' Heavy Attack Spaceship, Carrier of secret Things
P102- CAM 'Planck' Light VTOL Fighter/Bomber' Equipped with 'SECRET'
P103- SPS Launcher Mk2
P104- CAM 'Dark Matter' Floatplane, Carrier of One 'Experimental Plane Mounted Runway' or X.P.M Runway and One 'Experimental Heavy Self Destructing Nuclear Weapon' or X.H.S.D.N Weapon
P105 to P120- Engines/Weapons
P121- CAM 'Skull' Attack Aircraft, Carrier of One 'Experimental Mass Compacted Explosive Launcher' or X.M.C.E Launcher
P122- CAM 'Galactic Hell' Heavy Fighter,Carrier of 2' Experimental ##### ######### ###### Bombs' or E.#.#.# Bombs
Secrets says it's some kind of exotic matter
P123- CAM 'Profiler' Bomber, Carrier of One 'Heavy Powered Unguided ####### Explosive' Or H.P.U.# Explosive
P124- CG/AM 'Shark' 360 Lock-On Missle Launcher
Can be Equipped with AG missles or 'Ground Destroyer'
P125- CG/AM 'Python' Frontal Self Destructing Missle Launcher
P126- CAM 'Vertol' VTOL Fighter Carrier of 'SECRET'
P127- CG/AM 'Burnt' Backwards Attack Main Missle Or BAM Missles
P128- CAM 'Mount' Light Bomb Launcher
P129- C..M 'Ultra Scope' Heavy Laser
P130- CNM 'Angled' Stealth Underwater Bomb Launcher' Or SUB Launcher
P131- 'Low Profiled' FSW Fighter?
General Characteristics
- Successors 1 airplane(s)
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 11.1ft (3.4m)
- Length 38.6ft (11.8m)
- Height 8.5ft (2.6m)
- Empty Weight 4,477lbs (2,030kg)
- Loaded Weight 5,004lbs (2,270kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.399
- Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 3158
- Number of Parts 98
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 668