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[RvG - RED] P-48A Pursuer

58.8k TheUltimatePlaneLover  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on Christiant2's 1930-1940s Challenge [CLOSED]

Red V Green...

Here's another nice full-scale Red Team airplane! Not entirely finished, though...

The P-48A Pursuer, the world's weirdest combo of a P-47, A6M, Bf-109, and F4F.

It was gonna be for Christiant2's 1930-40s challenge, but I ran out of energy and motivation, and the P-48A has just been in my folders since. However, it's pretty much complete aside from relatively miniscule details, so I decided to finally let him see the sunlight.


The P-48A Pursuer is a Red Team fighter-bomber. It was originally designed to be a medium-pursuit aircraft to fight along the P-30A (which was considered a light fighter). It would serve well as a fighter, but the brunt of its service life would be spent on CAS and bombing missions.


The P-48A might not look like much, but if you know what you're doing it can wreak havoc. Albeit it only has two guns, these are 20mm cannons which can deal pretty sizable damage to most air targets. But of course, you're gonna need to know how to fly to do that!

-Good armor
-Decently agile (but only decently)
-Heavy guns
-Strong engine
-Great visibility

-Not as agile as most fighters
-Weak landing gear
-Highly prone to propellerstrikes

-Utilize your speed and skill, there are few fighters you can out-turn, so you'll need it
-This plane has pretty good armor, so there are very few cases where you will want to back out of a head-on fight
-The 20mm cannons have very good RoF and damage, use that in all cases
-You will rarely, but if you have a choice to fight ground or air targets, choose wisely; if your target is something fast and agile like a P-30A or P-2D, choose the ground targets, as you can almost always conquer units that way. If it's something bigger or slower though, like a B-31B or BR9A2, then take the air target. Slow, unmaneuverable aircraft will be easy targets for you, but fast and agile targets can make quick work of you no matter how weak their armor may be.

Prime example of the P-48A's incredible air-to-surface performance.


As the arms race of the Red V Green War got bigger and bigger, Red Team decided that they needed a fighter that could not only fight opponents, but also take a hit. It took many designs, some good, some bad, they even researched some similar aircraft like the IL-2 or P-47. After some time though, they settled on one design that stuck out.

Nicknamed "Pursuer," the P-48 was an aircraft designed to fight planes, tanks, troops and more all the same. The first prototype was completed in just two months of the design being approved, but the Pursuer had notable agility issues. It could turn well, in truth, but it wouldn't match up to the high turn rates of the planes it would actually go against, such as P-2s, P-05s, and more.

However, who can resist twin 20mm cannons? The P-48A was put into service, but it often served as an effective attack aircraft rather than a fighter. The P-48A made a name for itself during the early war, but struggled during the era of Blue and Purple. However, the P-48 would later get upgrades, with the P-48E being the most successful of the Pursuer family.

Other Stuff

That's all, Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor 1930-1940s Challenge [CLOSED]
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 27.7ft (8.4m)
  • Length 27.2ft (8.3m)
  • Height 11.9ft (3.6m)
  • Empty Weight 10,816lbs (4,906kg)
  • Loaded Weight 13,721lbs (6,223kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 65.591
  • Wing Loading 63.8lbs/ft2 (311.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 214.9ft2 (20.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4048


  • Number of Parts 122
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 735
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    I give up

    Be first, last, seconds ago, while publishing, I don't know or care anymore...
    Just please, let me have some sort of real feedback...

    Pinned one month ago
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    @TheMouse For me it's the other way around lol

    +1 one month ago
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    54.8k TheMouse

    Lol. Fine tuning is half the work! I can get the main fame of a plane built in no time, but to get it fine tuned to how I like it takes at least another hour.

    one month ago
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    @TheMouse True
    Always did feel a bit weird about the canopy and hollow area underneath, that falls under the fine tuning which I never got to lol

    +1 one month ago
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    54.8k TheMouse

    Some real feedback?
    Well, here is some.
    Its a great plane, but the cockpit is weird shaped. The front of the cockpit is too flat imo. It should not only decrease in hight, it should also decrease in breadth. The rest of the cockpit could also be a bit smoother, as this is not a PEA, so you can use as many fuselage sections as you need.

    one month ago
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    Whell then, we will see

    one month ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics I think I'd win
    Because I have a few secrets of my own

    one month ago
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    WSO begs to differ
    Also it’s a simulation, a "what if…"

    one month ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics Hmmm
    Nah, I'd win

    one month ago
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    A Simulated war between you and me; almost like Ace Combat 3, sound cool?

    one month ago
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    @Majakalona Actually yes. The P-48 was designed to fight in desert conditions (take for example, the MP-41 Blizzard which was built to fight in winter conditions)

    +1 one month ago
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    28.7k LJh1

    She looks really beautiful

    +1 one month ago
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    50.9k Majakalona

    This is that sunburnt one I was talking about.

    one month ago
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    Nice simple ww2 fighter, flies good pretty neat

    +1 one month ago
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    32.5k Christiant2

    @KPLBall O

    one month ago
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    22.2k KPLBall


    one month ago
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    32.5k Christiant2

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Lol

    one month ago
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    Nice plane

    one month ago
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    @Christiant2 Ahg I just realized that

    1930-40s doesn't equal 1930-1949
    1930-40s equals 1930-1940
    The "s" at the end of "1940s" threw me off lol

    one month ago
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    32.5k Christiant2

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Lol. We all have that one plane XD

    one month ago
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    32.5k Christiant2

    Rip😢 wrong era but cool!

    one month ago
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    Eh, rate this or not, it was gonna be for your challenge but I never got around to finishing the tail-gear or cockpit, but hey, it's good enough so I decided to share it for the purpose of not letting him be forgotten in my inventory for all eternity lol

    one month ago
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    Tag Requests:

    +1 one month ago
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    Tag List 4:

    one month ago
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    Taglist 3:

    one month ago
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