STK Arrow3 A
2,539 63600240
8.0 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 49.4ft (15.0m)
- Length 57.4ft (17.5m)
- Height 14.3ft (4.4m)
- Empty Weight N/A
- Loaded Weight 36,630lbs (16,615kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 1.104
- Wing Loading 47.6lbs/ft2 (232.6kg/m2)
- Wing Area 768.9ft2 (71.4m2)
- Drag Points 7092
- Number of Parts 149
- Control Surfaces 8
- Performance Cost 538
MiG 144
Nice build!
Add a description and I'll upvote this, it looks cool tho